TWO. esqueleto

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➜ esqueleto ⛧

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    With a slow open of her weary eyes, Mackenzie awoke the same way she had gone to sleep the previous day. She starts to fully awaken, sits up, and rubs her eyes.

    "Kenzie, you're gonna be late." Demetri storms in, tapping away at his laptop. "Get out."

    "Okay, okay. And that Eli is why you don't wake the beast." On the other end of the FaceTime, Demetri reminds the boy.

    "Go away." Eventually, her brother leaves after Mackenzie gives him a warning and throws her pink hearted pillow at him.

    Mackenzie was able to get ready quick enough to catch a ride from her mother. While her brother was lost in his own world, she read Little Women while seated in the front.

    They arrived to school on time and began their usual day. After a few classes, the small group met up in the cafeteria but now Miguel sitting with them.

    Usually at lunch the day is the same — Yasmine and her minions making fun of either Mackenzie, Eli or Demetri. But today, the counselor had come in and a had a speech prepared.

    "Cyber bullying is no laughing matter. Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face."

    Mackenzie sits back in her chair as the principal begins to talk to the students in the cafeteria room.

    "I'm not gonna name names, but the other day a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity."

    Whispers and stares spread around as soon as she spoke, and all eyes appeared onto Eli. He slowly looks around before covering his upper lip.

    Without any hesitation, Kenzie reaching for Eli's hand but he quickly flitches away. She lifts her legs up to her chest as Counselor Blatt continues her announcement.

    "You know, if you're sick of getting bullied my karate dojo's looking for recruits." Miguel reminds Eli.

    "Yeah, right. You hear that, Eli? A little karate training, and you're gonna kick some major ass." Demetri taunts.

    "Dude, shut up." Mackenzie frowns as she throws a french fry at her brother. "And Kenzie, the dojo is accepting girls too." Miguel adds raising an eyebrow towards her way.

    "No way. I am a proud lover, not a fighter."

    Counselor Blatt soon skips to the next topic being the halloween dance. Mackenzie had always loved Halloween. It's the one day you're allowed to be someone else. Also you get candy.

 Also you get candy

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