with her

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-Elsie pov-

I woke up to an unfamiliar but addicting smell, i opened my eyes to a large bed with dark sheets sun rays found their way in through gaps in the curtains.

I got out of the bed remembering last night and her.

I took time looking at Rheas room ad i didnt pay much attention before. I made my way down the hallway to her kitchen which i saw her standing on her back turned to me as she listens to her heavy music cooking what smelt to be bacon and eggs.

I walked behind her wrapping my arms around her waist resting my forehead to her toned back "morning Els" i hummed a good morning back, i felt her hand run along my arm and hand ad she flips the bacon over "hope you like eggs, bacon and toast. I took a guess you weren't allergic to anything" she put her spatula down, i feel her colder hands touch mine as she turns enveloping me in her warm and comforting embrace.

"Best morning i have had in a while" i smile now resting my cheek and her chest one of her hands play with my hair that need to be brushed.

Rhea served breakfast and we sat at her kitchen island eating, "so what made you move?" I looked up at Rhea i get why she asked if must seem weird why i moved from Bristol to Florida only to work a low paying job "well i don't actually know i guess its a lot nicer 100% better weather than Bristol" i smile at her not actually having a better reason.

We had little chats as we ate the dogs begging for some food, which i secretly gave them.

We finished eating and i was helping Rhea with the dishes "where should i put this?" I asked holding my plate "cupboard on you left" she smiled at me.

Once the washing was done we sat on the sofa together "any plans today?" I looked at her face her hair looking soft and smooth "nah i have work tomorrow though" i answer her and she nods.

"Do you ever get bored of your job?" I thought about it my hand boldly moving to hers "yeah but its how i met you" i smiled my hand on hers as i look at her to see her eyes on our hands.

"Ever thought of quitting?" Her hand picked my hand up i felt her sofa thumb rub over my knuckles "i have its always the same, i hate dealing with some customers too" i let out a little sigh.

I felt a hand come under my chin, her hand gently lifts my head so our eyes met. Her hand slides for my chin to my cheek as out eyes stay locked her blue orbs looking into mine "maybe i could get you a job with me" i looked at her a bit shocked "what do you mean?" I ask and her eyes scan my face "i mean come work with me we could travel together, i know we are looking for a new interview" i smile at her words finding it sweet she wants me with her.

"what about Ghost and Daisy?" I ask knowing her job means doing for a few days "leave them with my pet sitter" i nod, my eyes scan over her soft expression her manicured brows her bare face stands of black hair in her face.

I lick my lips "it sounds like a plan" she gives me a slight smile our faces get closer as our lips finally met in a kiss.

Our kiss broke "i should go feed my pets" i let out a little cough "let me come" she say no states "you dont have too" she cuts me off grabbing my hand "i want to" we walk over to the shoe rack put our shoes on and head to her car.

"I am still pet sitting?" I asked remembering she asked me to "yeah if that's okay" i nodded then felt her phone in my lap "your address?" She asked and i happily typed it in to her phone "there" i said put it in her hands "cheers" she said giving me a slight smile.

We drove to my house she parked by my car as i got my keys out "Ghost might jump on you" i smile giving her a warning "its okay you seen my two" she chuckled and i laughed back. I opened the door to the sound of paws running over "hey baby!" I smiled as Ghost jumped on me then saw Rhea behind and ran to her.

Rhea crouched down as Ghost licked her "ghost girl that's nasty" i say and Rhea waves it off "its fine" she smiles finally getting up "want to met daisy" i asked as only a few people i meet are okay with Snakes "sure i like snakes" i walk over to daisys enclosure and unlocked it.

I lifted up her tree bark to see her "hey daisy" i smile picking her up and show her to Rhea "this is her" she starts to move around showing her size,about 2 foot "she still has growing to do" i smile "want to hold" i ask and she nods. I hand her over and she wanders over Rhea up her arms stretching out i smiled and took a video as Daisy trys to go up her shirt "okay little miss thats enough" i smile and put her back.

I post the video on my story tagging her when I realise i haven't posted her maybe i should of asked "is it okay if i put that video on my story?" I asked and she nods "wjy wouldnt it be?" She asks and i walk over to her and feed Ghost "i don't know maybe you didnt want fans to start rumours your with someone" i shrug and she gives me a sly smile "they can do what they want plus i know many would love to be in a rumor relationship with me" she winks making me laugh some reason.

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