chapter 2

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Guys about last chapter, I forgot rage 😭, let's just say he was afk at the moment alr? Ok good!

Ignore spelling mistakes!!!

Doni POV:

I woke up the next morning feeling horrible, I had a bad headache and my nose was clogged. I stood up and immediately regretted it as I got so dizzy I fell back down. I then Recalled the events from yesterday and I decided I would just act like I don't care.
After joining the server, I checked who was there


Oh! Rage isn't here!
I hope liger doesn't ignore me...

Teleports to liger

I saw liger is in a mine and was mining some iron and cole, I was in spectator so he couldn't see me.
I went back into creative and stood right infront of him, making him jump, I laughed as he wrote a message

Ligeriscool: DONI!

DoniBobes: hahahaha

I was happy he wasn't ignoring me

Ligeriscool: what you doing here man?

DoniBobes: oh just wanted to scare you

Ligeriscool: bro
Ligeriscool: why???

DoniBobes: the others are ignoring me

Ligeriscool: why? What did you do?

DoniBobes: prank

Ligeriscool: ah... Alr idc go away

I teleported away and went to kiply, hoping she stops ignoring me

Teleported to kiply

I saw kiply in her cave, I went behind her to scare her.

DoniBobes: kiply turn around

Kiply: leave me alone

DoniBobes: whyyyy

Kiply: just go away you psychopathic eagle!

DoniBobes: I'm an owl!!!

Kiply: I don't care! Now go away!

DoniBobes: come on!!!
DoniBobes: kiply stop ignoring
DoniBobes: kiply!
DoniBobes: kiply!
DoniBobes: kiply!
DoniBobes: kiply!


DoniBobes: join my call!!!

Kiply: ugh fine you overgrown rat

Kiply joins the call

,,what do you want!?" Kiply asks right after joining
,,why are you guys ignoring meee?" I asked
Kiply sighs ,,after what you pulled you can be happy we're still here!"
,,what did I doooo?"
,,the prank? It proofed you're just insane and don't seriously care about us!! We're just your puppets for your account!"
,,what!? No I care about you guys! What are you talking about!?"I shot back
,,sure" she scoffs
I frown and try to think of what to say
,,now you're silent huh!? You seriously don't care what!?" She now yells
I flinch and stay quiet
,,you don't deserve us as friends!! You do nothing to keep us as friends! You only use us for your stupid pranks!" She continues to yell. I stay quiet not knowing what to say
,,you are so annoying and useless for this server! Even lynix would do this better than you! Just why are you here!?" (I know it doesn't make sense but just go with it alr?)
I look at her in shock and leave the call to tp back to my house.
As soon as I arrive, I barge into my bedroom and cry. I cried myself to sleep

GUYS! Don't say anything about how they act out of character alr? I just- idk mate! Just go with it, I know I didn't switch POVs in this chapter but I hate POV switches 😅
Don't judge!

Have a good day/night 🎀

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