chapter 6

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I will shorten this book because school starts in like a few hours and I seriously don't want to go back! I was sick this whole holiday week :(((
I want to concentrate on school so I'll either post nothing or a little :)

2 months later

Lynix POV:

Doni hasn't been online for two months now, I'm getting concerned and suspicious as well. I went to his house and checked if he was there, spoiler, he wasn't. I looked around and saw liger coming
,,hey liger! What's up man!" I say as soon as he accepts the call
,,I was just checking if doni came back, what bout you?" He stops running and asks.
,,'came back'? What do you mean?"
,, well... Doni ran away like 2 months ago... Didn't you know? I've been searching him but I can't find him!" He flung his arms at the last part
,, oh wait what!? Alright hold on,I'll get as many as I can together and we'll search for him, now I'm getting concerned!"
,,do that! I'll trie to get others online"
We part ways and go do what we decided to.

Doni POV

I was still hiding at the hidden base, I only came out at night if I wanted or needed anything, I keep crying and I get nightmares. I'm getting frustrated! I've been developing bad habits like pulling my hair when I'm frustrated/sad or hitting myself. I don't know where they came from but welp here we are! I had a bad feeling for today, I went out of my room and to my kitchen, I had a picture of me with everyone together, I looked at it, smiled then tears welled up in my eyes as I crashed to the ground, my knees giving out under me, I curl up in myself and keep repeating in my mind:
'they want you dead'
'they hate you'
And so on.
I started to sob and hid my head in my arms, I suddenly heard banging on my front door and I immediately trie to silence myself, it doesn't work that well, a sob escapes my lips as I hear the door geting broken down. I don't even look up but I know there is someone runing into the kitchen. I feel someone grabbing me and pulling me towards them  into a hug, I cry even more as I hadn't had a hug in forever. I hear someone taking but I can't understand anything as I continue to sob and cling onto that person's shirt for dear life.

Bionic POV:

I'm standing further back, the group of people Infront of me, blocking the way straight into the house, as rage breaks the door open, he stops everyone from entering, saying it'll overwhelm doni. We hear another sob and lynix runs past rage and towards the kitchen where we see doni curled up on the kitchen floor and shaking, lynix takes him into his arms and hugs him, whispering soft nothing's into his ear, doni clings onto lynix's shirt like it's his life line and sobs even harder. It breaks our heart's at what we let him go through alone.

What will happen? Will do I forgive them? I'm sorry, it's shorter then I wanted but it's 05:39 am rn and I'm falling asleep, it's not like I have to wake up in like 20 min to get ready for school that starts at 7 am 😭 guys help!! I hate school!
Why was I sick the whole holiday week!? I hate it

Have a good day/night 🎀

Here! Have a croissant 🥐💕

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