chapter 5

113 3 4

Slight TW
-talking about self harm

Doni POV:

I woke up and groaned, I only remembered the panic attack and someone runing in my room. I saw a face in my view and yelped
,,LIGER! what are you doing here!?" I pushed myself back into the corner of my bed. Liger just stares at me before saying ,,we need to talk!" I gulp and trie to get away, he grabs me by my foot and pulls me back I Yelp and trie to get out of his hold but he doesn't let go. I finally give up and curl up in the corner of my bed and hide my head in my arms. I hear liger sigh and I peak through my arms and see him sitting down on my bed, a bit away from me.
,,Can we like... Not talk about it...?" I ask, knowing it won't do anything.
,,you know we can't just let this go..." He sighs. I trie to curl up more
,,first, what caused this?" I don't answer and just look away, I look at the window right next to me and get a plan to escape. Liger waits patiently for me to answer him. I glanc at him and then quickly break the window and jump through. I hear him yell after me but I just run into the forest, I climb onto a tree and start to fly away.

Liger POV:

,,fuck..." I quickly run after him, but give up as soon as I see him fly away and out of my sight. I turn and go to wait at his house.

Doni POV

I fly away and look back and see liger probably cursing and kicking the dirt. I flew to a hidden house I built if something like this happens.
I rush inside and lock the door, I know they won't find me but still, better safe than sorry.
I plan on not leaving my house at all anymore. Maybe get something from the other house if I need to but I don't think I will need anything.

I fucked this chapter up😭 I'm sorry!! It felt so cringe to write that chapter but I don't have any ideas!! Helppp

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