Landing in hell

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Your eyes darted around as you scrambled to sit up, trying to figure out where in the world you were. All you saw were buildings and greenery nothing unusual at all, until you looked up and saw the red sky above the city, adorned with a gigantic pentagram.

"What the fuck am I in hell"

Standing up what seemed to be a little too quickly for your body's taste, your eyes darken in a haze as you staggered around for a moment before regaining your balance and focusing on the city. "I should probably head that way it doesn't seem like there's much out here for me." You thought As you began to walk towards the city, you noticed that there were many different types of people—well no actually demons there. Some of them looked like sharks, while others were just regular little red demons that you had previously only ever seen in fairy tail-themed books and movies. When you eventually snapped out of your thoughts, you saw that everyone was staring at you. Why were they all staring at me? Surely they couldn't know I was new, right? Hell seems like a really big place, as you strolled through hells streets,  gazes followed you everywhere you went. Eventually, you passed a store window forgetting that everyone was staring at you for a second, you hastily stopped and walked back to the window to give it a second look. How the devil did I miss all of this earlier? As you stared at your reflection, you saw a long-sleeved black dress that flowed down to the ground, a large pair of feathery wings attached to your back, a small black halo with an upside-down cross attached to the front, and a black veil worn over your head. As you continued to walk through the streets of hell, you spoke to yourself I guess that's why I'm getting so many looks. People had avoided you as you walked by. "You looked so strange. Why am I like this? I don't look like anyone here, at least not that I know of. You need to stop overanalyzing things." You were obviously so trapped in your own thoughts that you missed someone calling out to you.

"HELLO WINGED CHICK!" someone yelled, assuming it was you, you turned around and saw a white, fluffy creature jogging up to you.

"You look really cool you must be new to the area. I've never seen anyone like you here, and I guarantee that if I did see someone like you on the streets, I would know it." The white creature babbled as you stood there and listened to him, leading you thought it was a him anyway. His voice sounded boyish, and his face had a somewhat masculine appearance,  as soon as his rambling ended, you were snapped out of your thoughts.

"Im Angel Dust by the way" he said as he extended a hand to you

"Oh im Y/N it's a pleasure to meet you Angel and you are very correct im completely new here" you grabbed his hand to shake

"I take it that you don't have anywhere to stay then?" As you nodded in agreement, Angel was quiet before speaking once more in a short while. "Anyway, toots, you can come stay with me. This run-down little hotel was built to help people atone for their sins or something." Honestly, I don't believe in any of it, but still, they let me stay in the hotel for free as long as I do these stupid little activities that are apparently meant to help improve me in some way. He swiftly took hold of your hand and began pulling you along as he laughed. You thought to yourself quickly, "I shouldnt be letting him drag me to who knows where. what if it's not a hotel at all? What happens if he decides to kidnap me? "as you observed him pulling you. He's far too lanky to be able to hurt me, in my opinion. so you allowed him to drag you along until you arrived at a hotel. When you looked at the hotel, it didn't seem all that appealing, and there was a big sign reading Hazbin Hotel

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