Power poll (closed)

167 5 12

Please vote with a comment under the Esper power you would like to see the Mc have

Wavegen: A property of waves is its frequency which is the rate of a wave cycle over time. The user is able to alter the frequency of various waveforms.
Theoretical applications: light conversion, sound amplification, ???

Event Horizon: Black holes are formed when an objects gravity overcomes its strong nuclear repulsion causing the birth of a singularity. The user is able to form singularities and manipulate its effects on surrounding space and matter
Theoretical applications: spacial warping, time dilation, ???

Entropic disruption: entropy is the measure of disorder in a system. The user is able to disrupt the natural progression of entropy by slowing down, speeding up, stopping, or reversing entropy.
Theoretically applications: mechanical systems breakdown, perpetual motion induction, ???

Zero: the concept of zero was a fundamental shift in mathematics, and it shows itself everywhere in the natural world. The user is able to set a value to zero in real or conceptual space.
Theoretical applications: speed nullification, force nullification, ???

Other: any suggestions would be appreciated, just comment in this section with a name concept and possible applications for the power

A/N-and the winner is....

Event Horizon!

Thank you to everyone who voted or gave a suggestion it was fun reading everyone's comments

I will upload the first chapter soon

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