31 | Working On It

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Miguel considers Joshua's words. Reluctantly, he acknowledges that this young employee is the only one who bothers to offer advice when it comes to Thalia. Not that he confides in anyone else. It's a lonely, bewildering situation, and he fears this trip might be his last shot with her. She'll probably be out of the picture by the end of Spring, or maybe even sooner.

Miguel would rather not have that intel, though. Counting down the days and wallowing in a slow, self-inflicted death doesn't sound like a vibe he's going for. Totally not appealing.

After the hike, they hit up Banff National Park to give Linda, Lorenzo, and Baljit the grand tour around Lake Louise. Following lots and lots of picture-taking at the beautiful tourist spot, which is incredibly packed, the expedition rolls to Banff Avenue for some downtown retail therapy.

The memories of Thalia and Miguel's recent road trip resurface, causing both to feel nostalgic and down. Miguel experienced an epiphany back then after learning more about Thalia, the extreme guilt almost killing him. Yet, he still had an incredible time.

Because he was with Thalia, and they shared an intimate night that had left an indelible mark on him.

Unfortunately, Miguel can't say the same for the present moment.

In the late afternoon, the group finally gets their hotel rooms sorted. The even numbers work out conveniently, pairing them off: Rey and Sheila, Linda and Baljit, and Lorenzo and Joshua. No surprise, Thalia and Miguel get thrown into the same room, and negotiation isn't even on the table.

The two silently unload their bags in their designated room, tactfully avoiding any mention of the single-bed situation. Technically, they've shared a bed countless times, so this shouldn't be an issue, but things have definitely taken a turn for the worse. They can barely look each other in the eye, preferring to return to the days when they were simply the timid employee (as Miguel thought of Thalia) and the insensitive boss (as Thalia labeled Miguel). Letting their pretend relationship reach this point feels like a colossal mistake.

For the Spring season, the weather surprises everyone with its mildness, and the group lands on an Italian restaurant patio for dinner. Miguel and Thalia find themselves seated together as a result of both surrendering to the inevitable. They can't outmaneuver everyone, especially those keenly aware of their rift. Linda and Joshua have probably made some secret pact to handle the situation. Thalia is low-key surprised they haven't stitched Miguel to her side by now.

"Cheers!" Glasses clink, some filled with beer, others with juice. Thalia takes a sip of her raspberry fruit beer, the sweet flavor providing a much-needed pick-me-up for her dampened mood. She's dead set on sticking to just... Two glasses this time, though. No need to make a scene.

"Thanks so much for bringing us here, Sheila and Rey," Baljit says.

"Oh, you should be thanking Miguel. He's the mastermind behind all of this," Sheila responds, shooting her son a proud smile. "Rey and I were genuinely shocked when he suggested it. You know he's not interested in the store and the staff."

The staff keeps quiet, exchanging awkward glances, unsure if it's appropriate to comment. Miguel interjects, scoffing, "You guys can speak up. I know I wasn't that great before."

Joshua chimes in with a laugh, "Haha! That was until..." He throws a sly look at Thalia, who deflects the attention by taking another sip. "But I gotta say, I like you better now."

"Thanks?" Miguel replies, shaking his head.

"While we're all here, why don't you help us nudge Miguel into taking over? Sheila and I are retiring soon..." Rey suggests, a cunning segue to apply pressure on his only son once again. The desperation in his and Sheila's eyes is evident, lacking any backup plan aside from hoping for a change of heart from their only heir.

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