Will You Take Me With You?

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Readers P.O.V

You were sat on your friend, Ray's couch. Waiting for his other friends to arrive. He was going on tour with them as My Chemical Romance. So you won't be seeing him for a while.
"I'm sorry, (y/n)." Ray sighed as he sat in the chair across from you. "But I have to go."
You hung your head as tears filled your eyes. "P...please." you stuttered. "Take m...me with y...you."
"What?" He said, surprised. "Why would you want to go with me? You have Marco. How would he feel if his girlfriend spent months in a bus full of guy's?"
You bit your lip, trying to stop the tears. "I...I need to g...get away from...." You stopped as there was a knock at the door.
Ray sighed as he stood up and went to answer it.
A few minutes later, he walked back in with Frank, Bob, Mikey and Gerard. You'd met them a few times before, so they greeted you with a wave. You didn't look at them. You just kept your head down.
"Are you okay?" Gerard asked as he dropped to his knees infront of you.
You shook your head.
He took your hands in his. "What's wrong, honey?" He asked, softly.
"I...I..." You stopped. If Marco finds out your even here.....
Your phone started ringing. You moved away from Gerard, pulling out your phone and heading to the kitchen to answer. Marco. Great.
Marco: "Where the fuck are you?"
You gulped. Your in so much Shit.
You: "A...at my M...Mum's."
Marco: "Bullshit. You're at that fucking Toro's place, aren't you?"
You: "I...I..."
Marco: "Probably been fucking that fucking long haired, greased up, knobhead, Gerald or whatever his name is."
You: "No...I...I..."
Marco: "You fucking slut. Get back here, now. You need to take your fucking punishment."
The phone was taken out of your hands. Gerard stood before you looking angry as he put the phone to his ear.
"Don't ever talk to (y/n) like that." Gerard snapped. "She deserves better than you. She's gonna get it too. She's coming with us. Where she'll be treated like the princess she is."
He frowned as Marco shouted back at him. "And why fucking not?" He snapped. "I would never treat her like you do. Your a disgusting asshole. Who gets off on terrorising defenseless women." Pause. "Go fuck yourself." He hung up and looked at you. "Come with us, baby." He said as he leaned against the sink.
You frowned. "Why?"
He sighed. "Look, (y/n). I want you to come with us." He stated. "Truth is, I really like you."
Your heart skipped a beat. "Y...you do?"
He smiles as he puts the phone down. "Yes, (y/n)." He says. "I've always liked you. Actually..." He pulled you into a hug by your hips. "...I don't just like you. I love you."
"Y...you love me?" You were surprised. He never seemed that interested in you.
"I've always loved you, (y/n)." He admitted. "Come with me as my girlfriend, please?"
You stared at him wide eyed. Your at a loss for words. You'd dreamt about him. That's why Marco thought you were sleeping with him. He'd heard you say his name in your sleep.
"I promise I'll treat you right." Gerard continued. "I'll look after you. Treat you with respect and love you like you deserve to be loved." He stroked your left cheek with the back of his fingers. "Talk to me, sugar."
You look into his captivating hazel eyes and smile. "Yes." You say. "I'll go with you....as your girlfriend." You bite your bottom lip, briefly. "I...I...err...love you too."
He groans then connects his lips to yours.
Your phone rings again, interrupting you.
Gerard pulls away with a groan. You give him an apologetic smile as you pick up your phone and answer without seeing who it is.
You: "Hello?"
Caller: "I knew you were with that fucking freak."
Great. Marco. You look at Gerard as you put the phone on loud speaker.
Marco: "Your nothing but a fucking whore."
Gerard looks angry. "Don't ever call (y/n) that. You fucking useless prick."
Marco: "Get the fuck away from my property...."
"Property?" Gerard snaps. "Fucking property? You sick fuck. She's not property...."
You decide to speak up. No longer scared. "...And I'm not yours." You say, smiling at Gerard. "I don't love you, Marco. I haven't for a very long time. But I was too scared to leave you. But I'm not anymore. I never cheated on you. But I wanted to. Because I hate you so much. You made me want to die." Gerard's face dropped. He looked sad. "I almost killed myself once. I had a razor blade." Gerard looked concerned and upset. "Then I met Ray. He introduced me to his friends. One in particular, Gerard, made me want to live." Gerard smiled, sadly. "Over time I grew feelings for him. But I believed he didn't feel anything for me. I stayed with you because I was scared to leave." You cupped Gerard's cheek. "But now I know Gerard loves me and I love him. I'm not scared anymore." You leaned forward and brushed your lips against Gerard's. "So I'm leaving you. Your nothing to me. I'm with Gerard now."
Marco: "You fucking slag...."
"Goodbye, Marco." You said, then ended the call.
Gerard smiled. "(y/n), you are amazing."
You smile back as he pulls you into his arms. "Will you take me with you?" You asked.
He kissed you, briefly. "Definitely. You can run away with me anytime you want."


A short fluffy oneshot for you. Please comment. Love as always. xxx

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