'Till You Pick Me Off The Ground

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Gerard's P.O.V

"Fuck off, Frank." I snapped as I headed towards the tour bus door. "Your a fucking ass hole and I've had enough of your shit." I opened the door and turned to look at him. "From now on you stay the fuck away from me. We're no longer friends." I slammed the door behind me and headed towards Bob by the trees.
"What's he do this time?" He asked as I leaned against the tree and lit a cig.
I took a drag then blew it out as I leaned the back off my head against the tree, crossing my legs at the ankles and running my fingers through my short, black hair. "What hasn't he done?" I muttered. I crouched down and rested my back against the tree and my elbows on my knees. "Why is it that no matter how I try to forget the past, everyone just wants to throw it in my face?" I asked, looking at the floor infront of me.
"Frank?" Bob sighed.
"Who else?" I sighed. "He's supposed to be my best friend, ya know?" I took another drag of the cig. "He's supposed to support me. Instead he thinks I'm gonna rush off to the nearest drugstore and get wasted."
"I'm sure he doesn't really think that." Bob said.
I looked up at him. "'For fuck sake, Gee. I take it your gonna rush off to the nearest drugstore and get wasted?'" I mimicked. "He was deadly serious. All because I made a joke about needing to get out more and party."
"Maybe it's too soon for jokes?" Bob tried.
I looked over at Ray and Mikey as they leaned against the bus, talking. Frank watching me out the kitchen window. "Hey, guy's." I shouted, standing up.
They turned to look at me.
"What's up, Gee?" Ray hollered back.
"What would you say if I said I need to get out and party more?"
"Hell, yeah." They shouted in unison.
"So you don't immediately think I want to get wasted?" I asked.
They both frowned. "Why would we?" Mikey asked, concern on his face.
I shook my head. "Just wanted to check who really believes in me."
Ray smiled. "Your a fighter, man." He said. "You want to stay clean. Your determined. You'll fight to stay that way. I believe in you, man."
I smiled. "Thanks, Ray. Your a true friend."
"I believe in you, too, bro." Mikey pointed out. "Always have, always will."
"Cheers, Mike's. Your the best." I turned back to Bob. "See?"
He sighed. "I believe in you, too." He pointed out. "I just think that maybe Frank is finding it hard to get past it. He was your best friend after all. He worried about you a lot." He looked back at the bus. "You should maybe let him explain."
I sighed as I stumped out my cig under my combat boot, looking down. "Why?"
"Because it was Frank that picked you off the ground every time you got drunk and fell over." He pointed out. "He always picked you up. Even when you told him to fuck off."
I turned my back to the bus and punched the tree. Immediately regretting it and laughing as I looked at an amused Bob as I shook the hand in pain.
"Fuck." I cursed between laughter. "Note to self: never hit a tree. It might not hit back, but it hurts like fuck."
"No shit, Sherlock." Bob laughed as Mikey and Ray joined us.
"What the fuck did you punch a tree for?" Mikey asked with concern as he checked out my hand.
Me and Bob had calmed down. Till I looked at him. Then we burst out laughing again.
"He's fucking crazy." Ray said to Mikey, smiling in confusion.
We stopped laughing and looked at him, seriously.
"Gerard's not crazy." Bob frowned.
"I'm in-fucking-sane." I said.
Of course both me and Bob started laughing again.

Half an hour later, we were all sat in the lounge area. Frank sat across from me, frowning. Ray sat next to him, texting.....someone. Bob sat on the floor watching tv. Mikey sat next to me, patching up my hand.
"Seriously?" I said, laughing at the tv screen. "They always go in that one room. You'd think they'd realize that if there's screaming coming from there, they should run the other way."
Bob grinned as I looked at him. "But they have to." He pointed out.
I smiled back. "Come on then, almighty god of the big screen." I mocked. "Why?"
His grin widened. "Because, my dear worshipper, it's in the script."
We both burst out laughing. Ray and Mikey joined in.
"Did you just call Gerard a worshipper?" Ray asked after we calmed down.
Bob nodded. "He called me a god." He pointed out. "And we all know how Gerard worships my every word."
I laughed again. "In your dreams, man."
Bob looked shocked. "Have you been reading my diary?"
I grinned. "Why? You been dreaming about me again?" I pretended to flirt. "Can't get enough of me? "
Bob laughed. "Now your dreaming."
I faked hurt. "Oh, Bobby. I thought you said you wanted me. That's what you said earlier." I pouted for effect.
He frowned. "You promised we could keep it secret." He rested his forehead on his hand.
I walked towards him and crouched on the floor infront of him. "They would have found out after we go to bed tonight." I rubbed his inner thigh.
He jumped up and backed away. "Okay." He muttered, wide eyed. "That's too far."
I grinned as I advanced towards him. "Oh, babe." I said as I stroked his cheek. He pulled away. "I can go sooo much further." I kissed his cheek and he jumped away from me.
Then Frank rushed out of the area and towards the bunk area.
I frowned as I turned around. "What's up with him?" I asked, confused.
"You don't know, do you?" Mikey sighed.
"Know what?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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