And Carry All This Broken Bone

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Reader's P.O.V

You sat on the bridge, your legs over the side. You sighed as you watched the water below. It was very relaxing. Footsteps rang out behind you. But you ignored it as you watched the ripples.
"Don't do it." A Jersey accent said behind you.
You turned your head to see the one and only Gerard Way stood watching you with his hands out.
You frowned. "Do what?" You ask, puzzled.
"Jump." He said, seriously.
You laugh and shake your head, looking back at the water.
"What's so funny?"
You sigh, then look back at him. "I've no intention of jumping." You smile. "I like to sit and watch the water. It helps me calm down."
Realisation crosses his face and he smiles. "Oh." He exclaims, visibly relaxing. "I thought...." He laughed.
You turn back to look at the water. "Loneliness is a horrible thing." You state. "Not that you'd know about that."
He walks towards you and sits on the bridge beside you, facing away from the water. "Why wouldn't I know about it?" He asks, looking at you.
You sigh again. "Your a rock star with billions of fans. A wife, a beautiful daughter, a great brother and brilliant parents. Not to mention your many friends."
"Your right about most of that. But I'm not married anymore." He stated. "We split a while ago. Mutual. We just.....never told anyone."
"Oh." It's all you could think of saying.
"To be completely honest, I'm lonely too." He admitted. "I've been watching this one person. But she hasn't noticed me."
You look at him, shocked. "Talk to her."
He looks down at his hands. "I have."
You frown. "I can't believe she's not interested."
He smiles. "Thanks. But I've not asked that yet."
He shrugs. "It's not come up."
You look back at the water. "What's she like?"
"She's amazing. But she doesn't realize it. She's normally really quiet." He pauses. "I first saw her sat in a local park. She was writing in a book. Occasionally she looked over at the lake."
"Where was she when you spoke to her?" You asked, intrigued.
"On this bridge." He said.
Huh. Coincidence.
"I thought she was going to jump."
You frowned. He can't be.....can he? No,'s not.
"How often do you see her?"
"The park three times. A local cafe, every morning for a month. This bridge, just once."
"Then you should just be honest with her." You say, watching the water. "Maybe ask her out."
You hear him move slightly. "Okay." He says from close by you. He turns your head, cupping your cheek, making you look into his gorgeous hazel eyes. "Will you go for a drink with me?"
Your mouth drops open. ""
He smiles. "Of course you."
"But...I'm a nobody. I'm You don't even know my name."
He strokes your cheek as he stares in your eyes. "Your not a nobody." He brushes his thumb over your lips. "As for your name...." He leans forward and kisses you on the lips. "I can just call you mine."
You laugh, nervously. "That's so cheesy."
He grins. "But so worth it to hear you laugh."
He helps you swing your legs back over onto the bridge and takes you in his arms. "So, what do I call you?" He asks. "Or do I stick to 'Mine'?"
You smile. "My name is (y/n)"
"So, (y/n), where shall we go for a drink?"
You frown. "Now?"
"Why not now?"
"It's getting late and the nearest place is ten miles away." You point out.
"We could go to your place." He said as he stroked your cheek again with the backs of his fingers.
You arrive back at your small cottage, five minutes later. Gerard parks his car in your driveway and follows you into your home.
You lead him to the kitchen. "Would you like a drink of coffee?" You ask, politely. When you don't get a answer, you turn around. Gerard is right behind you. Very close. He takes you in his arms.
"I've wanted to kiss you from the moment I saw you." He says, quietly as he watches your lips.
You don't reply. Instead, you part your lips, slightly. Gerard takes it as a invitation and closes the gap between you. He doesn't hesitate to invade your mouth with his tongue, exploring every inch. You wrap your arms around the back of his neck as you kiss back. His arms wrap around your waist as he pulls you closer to him.
"I want you so bad right now." He moans as he pulls away. He lets you go and backs up. "But I need to have respect. I'll take you on a few dates first." He flashes that adorable one sided smile you love. "Coffee would be great.....for now."
You smile at him as he sits down at your small dining table. "You'll take me on a few dates first?" You ask.
He looks up at you and frowns. The smile replaced with worry. "I'm sorry." He says. "I guess I just assumed you'd say yes. I didn't think. I'm sorry."
You shake your head. "No, no. It's didn't ask. That's all."
He smiles again. "Okay." He stands up and walks towards you, stopping infront of you. He takes your hands in his. "(Y/N), will you please go on a date with me? Probably several dates?"
You smile wider. "I'd love nothing more than to go on a date, probably several, with you."
He leans forward and seals it with a kiss.


Mushy one for you. I'll do a smutty one next.
Love as always. Dee. xxx

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