Chapter 11: Trapped Above Sea Level

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You were eating food with Ash and the other Pokémon.

Ash: "Mewtwo? An island with a castle? Hmm, now that you say those words, I do remember a castle in the middle of the sea. There was an intense rainstorm and we got there somehow. I don't remember anything else after that except ending up back at the Pokémon Center in Old Shore Warf."

"And that's it?"

Ash: "Yeah, for right now at least. But I remember Misty and Brock being there as well. Maybe you could ask them and see what they remember, but I have a feeling they'll give the same answer as I did."

"I'll check either way. Thanks for telling me what you know, Ash."

Ash: "Anything for a friend. Besides, this Mewtwo may be another legendary Pokémon to meet."

"Assuming he's decided to not murder everyone in his path."

Ash: "Yeah, hopefully, he kinda knows now that not everyone is as cruel as those who made him. Well, let's finish up and head to the other island. We promised Misty and Brock that we'd meet them there on the next ship."

"Got it."

You finished your food and headed for the port to make it to the ship. Once the ship arrived, you and Ash got on board. Once you went to your rooms, however, you find that they're more like a cell rather than a cabin.

"Oh crud!"

You and Ash tried to open the door but found it locked and made of metal rather than wood. A video played on the TV with Team Rocket doing their entrance pose.

Jessie: "We recorded this so you wouldn't take advantage to escape. We'll be seeing the rest of your friends soon."

Ash: "I can't believe we're in another Team Rocket trap."

"Hey, we're more tenacious than them and their organization, and we've gotten out of a lot worse than this."

Ash: "You're right, but how are we going to get out of here?"

Pikachu: "Pikachu!"

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