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My name is Liam. I was killed by a car accident. Everything went black when the car crashed but I heard a strange voice.

The mysterious voice asked "Would you like to try out this new concept I have?".

Was Liam hallucinating this? Was someone talking to him in the hospital or something? He thought he was still alive so he responded.

 "What do you mean?" Liam said playing along with whatever the mysterious voice is trying to do.

It answered sounding a bit concerned "You will be reincarnated in another world, but you will control 2 bodies."

He remembered that he had watched isekai animes in the past like reincarnated as a slime. Liam wasn't sure if he was alive or not but assumed not because of the voice. He wondered if this really was happening and if he could actually reincarnate into another world.

Confused, I responded with "Wait what?"

It said "You don't have to accept my offer if you don't want to"

So he had 2 choices, he could accept the offer and potentially be reincarnated to a mysterious new world. Or he could decline and go to the afterlife..?

I was a bit suspicious but I didn't exactly have any other options "I will accept"

"I will set everything up and be sure to have fun." It replied sounding a bit more happy.

I became unconscious shortly after.

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