Chapter 2: What even are these products..?

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POV: Team Glow Stone aka the ones who entered the mysterious store and met that strange sylveon.

Some time have passed after team Glow Stone rescued buizel, they can be seen traveling on a dirt road towards a town.

"Hold up did you forget that there's a merchants guild card? We could of asked her that!" Kirlia's eyes slowly widened as she started to realize her mistake.

"Oh... Oops, I guess we are too far from her store." Morelull looked disappointed.

"Lets just get the inspector to deal with this. I really want to try out whatever those products are..." Escavalier mentioned as he thought about foods he loves.

"Yeah we know already you've said that 3 times already" Kirlia was annoyed about Escavalier ramble about food.

"Alright we finally made it back to the adventurers guild." Morelull was visibly exhausted as he entered through the gate.

"We can finally rest. I think we will be able progress to rank C within 2 weeks.". Kirlia said enthusiastically as the members of team Glow Stone took a breather.

Kirlia discussed with her teammates before walking towards the merchant's guild with a weary expression. "Alright I will go to the merchants guild to report that Aura Tower store. See you guys later."

A kirlia can be seen moving towards the merchant's guild. She enters the building and requests for a inspector to inspect the mysterious store.

"Oh long time no see! What brings you here again Sofia? (Sofia is Kirlia)" The combee eagerly greeted.

Sofia shared some insight. "I would like to report a strange new store right next to the Aura Tower."

"A store near aura tower? Having a store near a bunch of mystery dungeons and a important landmark to sell items right before, during, or after a mission whether it's a emergency or not seems very smart. But I've never heard of any buildings near Aura Tower... Wait who's the owner?" The impatient combee rambled on, seemly forgetting that this was a report he was supposed to log.

"I uh... forgot to ask, but the merchant was a sylveon and branding of the store make it seem like its owned by a sylveon and umbreon." Sofia looked a little regretful for forgetting to ask for more information about the sylveon.

The combee seemed a little puzzled by the mysterious appearance of the store. "There isn't a record of that store anywhere so I doubt they have a merchants guild card, I'll send a inspector as soon as possible. Thank you for reporting this!"

"Alright see you later Tracy. (Tracy is combee)" Sofia said as she returned to her waiting teammates.

"Alright I have just finished the report. Would you guys like to have a 30 minute lunchtime before we find the last mission for the day?" Sofia attempts to announce optimistically to her peers.

"Alright." Said the bored morelull.

Escavalier almost ignored the announcement as his attention was drawn towards the local restaurants. "I could really go for some tacos right now......." He slurred as he kind of wanted to sleepwalk towards the restaurants.

POV: Liam

I opened the last "special" box which contained a map of the world, a flashlight, a pink and a black scarf, a strange Arceus themed phone, and a massive amount of gold coins aka currency? Hold up, based on the phone. Was the mysterious voice Arceus? There was also a small note that says "You can contact me on this phone if you have any questions or problems.". I checked the phone's contacts with umbreon and turns out there's a contact named "Arceus". Before I called Arceus, I decided to wear the two scarfs that were in the box. I wore the pink one for sylveon and the black one for umbreon. I called this "Arceus" and it answered my call.

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