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(The next day )

Ayrin's pov : I was about to call Ifa as it's my turn today to pick her up

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Ayrin's pov : I was about to call Ifa as it's my turn today to pick her up ... Then suddenly my phone rungs .. and i saw it was a call from an unknown number.. as I don't accept calls from even known numbers i didn't accepted that .. but i got 3 calls from that number.. that made me curious like who is it .. calling me in the morning and even 3 times ..

 so the 4th time my phone rung .. i picked the call and said " hello .. who's there" .. the answer was like .. "hello mam .. I'm at your service from now on .. as per the orders" ... And i was like "orders !!!!who gave u that" .. and that men on the call said .. "our boss .. he asked us to guard u for next 3 months" ... And i said "Okay" as i though it was from by brother .. and i rushed to my brother's room and saw that he wasn't there... that made me a bit confident about that these guards were from him .. 

After that i had i light breakfast.. and was quit as always.. mamma said in a scolding tone "nashta to sahi se krke jana " "have a healthy breakfast at least" 

 I left the home and walked toward my car when i saw two guards standing right next to it .. saying "please.. take a seat mam ".. and i was like "who are you"  they said "we are here to guard you mam don't worry" .. "one of us will go to your school with you.. and will wait there till your class ends .. or till u comes home" ... And i gave them a " ehhh"  look .. and said "ohkayy" .. then i asked the driver to pick Ifa .. and he looked at guards .  And " i said why are you looking at him .  Do as i said" .. guard said "ok do as mam said" .. 

Then driver took the car to Ifa's place .. and then i called Ifa ..and while i was calling her .. i saw her coming towards me already .. and i said "so .. did u studied for todays test" .. she said "umm yeah kinda" .. and i said "don't worry .. I'll handle this one" . As it's "Drawing and English" today .. my expertise subjects.... 

Then i asked to her to sit .. she saw a gentlemen sitting in the passenger seat .. and she whispered "who's he" .. and i said "my brother sent him to guard me i guess. ...And he'll be with us till i get home" ... Her eyes got thinned and she sat on the car .. and said "well whatever let's go to school first".. and i said " first??"  She said "yeah first ! After that .. I want you to go for shopping with me .. and I have someone i want you to meet .. and i said " noo  I'll go shopping with you .. but meetup with someone that's not my thing" .. she said while shouting at me " i said what i said .. now you have to go that's it" .. and i was like "ohkaayyy" .. 

Then we went school.... gave our test .... test was kinda easy for me .. as 'Drawing and English' are my expertise subjects ... and i was kinda helping her .. {hehe^^} after that we went for shopping bought a very pretty chanel bag for Ifa and .. she bought me kawaii earring set for me  .. as she knows my choice .. then after that i totally forgot about the meetup  and i asked Ifa .. "shall we go now" .. she said "now!!!" .. "we still got one  last thing to do" .  And i said "what!!!?? she said .. "you dummy .. just stay with me" .. and i was kinda confused as i forgot about the meetup .. 

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