The Memory House

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It's been years since I last stepped foot in this place. I don't know how to react. Everywhere I look, I see flashbacks of my childhood. The pool, where we spent countless summer days; relaxing, swimming, and playing games. The den, where our annual Christmas parties were held. The living room, where we would play Wii and Guitar Hero. The backroom, the place where we would spend most of our time. The kitchen, where she would make chocolate and all sorts of delectable treats. Head upstairs and there's the girls' rooms, the rooms where so many memories from past sleepovers lie. Finally, there's her room. The place where we would spend all day playing on Webkinz, watching TV, and "reading" magazines. The place where I first tried Pumpkin Seeds and Rolos'. Where I spent my first night at that house. The place that started everything. Memories, both good and bad. Memories I'll never want to lose. Especially now that I've lost the person who made the place so lively. When she was here the place always had a warm aura around. It seemed to almost glow. The house was never dull and certainly never quiet. Now that she's gone it seems that the house, like me, is still mourning her loss. It seems as if the single tick of the clock is amplified through the entire house now, whereas before you wouldn't even know it was there. The house used to be my place of refuge, my second home, but now it has seemed to have lost it's glow. It now feels cold, no matter what the temperature is. As I walk through the house of so many memories, I take in one last look for I know this will be the last time I come back here. I will treasure the fond memories I have of here, and learn from the bad, but I will not however, forget anything and everything I have learned here to simply ease the pain. I will suffer through and I will become strong. I will be strong for her, because she is the strongest person I will ever know and she is my hero and my role model.

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