False Hope

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You know you're not actually gonna get it, right? That phrase keeps repeating in my head. Over and over again, like a broken record. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, what with everyone always telling me that I'm not good enough or that there are people our there who are better suited for that opportunity. Well, I'm not. It still hurts. I fail so often that I've given up on hoping for things to go my way. I've found out that if you hope hard enough, and wish upon the right star... Nothing will happen. No matter what fairy tales lead you to believe, nothing ever comes out of "hope" except disappointment. The thing I hate the most is when people give you false hope. They raise your confidence and self-esteem, only to have it plummet when your "hope" is shattered to a million pieces by reality. Another thing I hate are expectations. They're a lot like hope; you only end up broken and disappointed in the end. You can expect so much out of someone or something and within a split second you're broken because your expectations were too high. They play their parts hand in hand. We usually expect too much because we're given false hope and when it's all over, you're disappointed because things didn't go as you expected. I've learned that if you face reality head on, and stop relying on silly things like stars and fairy tales then you'll never be disappointed. You know why? If you face reality you also never have to deal with false hope or expectations that are too high to ever be achievable.

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