The Mask

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Ever feel like you don't count? Like people pay attention to you but couldn't care less what you want? All they care about is what everyone else wants and they never consider you? I'll tell you from experience, it sucks. You feel worthless. Like you're not able to make a decision. All I want to do right now is ruin my skin, but I can't because they'll notice. They can't notice. They can't know anything about the real me. That's a secret part of me that only comes out when all my walls are broken down. I never want anyone to see that part of me because it's broken. So broken that no one will ever be able to fix it. To them I'm so put together. I'm happy with a little temper and "daddy problems" if you know me well enough. I've tried to give someone a glimpse of me but they always tell me to get over it. That I'm being overdramatic. Have you ever felt like you don't belong and that it'd be worth it to disappear? I wish that I could. Sure, people would miss me but they'll get over it. It'd be worth it if it meant I could get away from everything. I'm sick and tired of this mask that I have to wear around everyone. Yet I can't let it fall. No one would want to know the real me. No one would want to see how broken I am. If I ruined my skin every time I felt like this I'd never heal. I'd take the physical pain over the emotional pain any day. I have to keep up this façade for the rest of my life, because I will never take my mask off for anyone for any reason ever...

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