Chapter 10 "Seed"

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I arrive at your door and a feeling I get immediately spikes infuriation in me. Deep in me. You're... not here...

And there's a dark, smothering feeling coming from your apartment.

I press the side of my head against your door, sliding my hand down it. "How could you... How could you leave so soon...?" I stand quietly for a moment, then I use my mist to unlock the door.

As I push it open, I look around your kitchen. I feel him... but can't see him. I breathe in deeply, then crack my neck and walk into the living room. He's everywhere—giving a suffocating feeling of impending doom. He's been here before. I trace the source of the darkness to your room. Your bed isn't made. You always make it. Your curtains are shut. You never shut them.

I look over at the mirror and see a small crack in it. You're very careful about your stuff and if you ever broke something, you wouldn't want to look at it for long out of feeling guilty. You would hide it away so Jeffery wouldn't see. I walk over to the mirror and trace my fingers over the crack. It looks more like a cut—feels like it too. Why is this familiar to me? I think back on the other night when I stood in my bathroom with your blood on my face and how the lights darkened for only a second. It was very unordinary. This mirror was not hit by anything on the outside...

I pause while running my fingers over the glass.

"...You... bastard..." I remove my hand slowly, lowering my head with a glower. This is how he got in. He came in through a mirror. But which one? Anger starts building up in me again. He couldn't have taken you from me. Not yet. This is too easy! It has to be too easy.

"Excuse me, mister.... What are you doing in Miss Addison's apartment?" I hear a little girl's voice behind me, breaking my train of thought. What is a child doing here? I look out of the corner of my eye and then I turn around to her. "Well... hello there..." She backs up, holding a stuffed doll. "You don't look too good." I stare down at her without saying another word. It unsettles her a great deal. She backs up a little more. "I don't think you belong here..." My gaze falls over her beautiful curly brown hair and then rises to her big bright green eyes again. So much life and innocence. Oh... it's been a long time since I enjoyed a small, small girl...

I blink softly and finally loosen up with a gradual smile. But I can't have her... now. I kneel in front of her and take her chin in two fingers, "I'm an old friend of Addison's... And you're right sweetheart; in fact, I don't feel too good. Could you, maybe... help me feel better? Tell me, sweetie... what is your name?" There's suddenly the sounds of heavy footfalls coming in and then a loud, "LUCY!" A woman gasps. I look past the girl's shoulder, and she glances back. "Mommy!"

Her mother glares at me and snatches her hand, "I told you not to talk to strangers! You can't walk in a stranger's apartment! Come on!" She pulls her away. Frowning, Lucy waves me a goodbye. I do the same, now standing up again. Well this is unfortunate... Don't worry sweetie. There is always next time. Hearing me telepathically completely throws her off. Her little mouth opens in such surprise. How adorable...

As Lucy and her mother leave the apartment, I cross my arms over my chest and begin pacing the room. Then I go and sit down on your bed, staring at your bathroom door. It couldn't have been long before the diner that Reuben came back into this world. Have I been led here only to find out he's taken you away from me and pulled you into another dimension? I don't understand how that could work. That asylum—you've been there twice. Is that an image or does it truly exist? I don't understand how he could snatch you away like this. You're human. Humans cannot go to a nonphysical place! I don't see how. He couldn't have killed you and taken you away. Why would he do that? I don't understand!

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