Chapter 1. Night Terrors

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This was the third time this week Hilda had the same nightmare... but always different. The same place, a void of pure blackness. The same piercing red eyes, glowing in the darkness. The same toothy smile, somehow visible through the void. And the very same distorted voice. But never the same speech. They never say the same thing. But every time, right as she wakes up, it says one thing no matter what. "You belong with me." Rasped the voice. Just then, Hilda snapped up, sweating. She checked her clock. Mum will wake me in half an hour. She thought. I should head back to bed. But what if it's mad at me? What if doesn't like that I came back after it let me leave? Hilda shook herself. It can't be mad at you. It's just a dream. Just a dream. Just a dream. Hilda laid down again. She found herself back in the void... but... she was conscious. It was a lucid dream. She could move. The eyes were gone, same with the smile. Hilda ran through the abyss, trying desperately to wake up. She eventually saw a dim light ahead of her. Hilda skidded to a stop, finding herself in a dimly lit meadow. Her eyes fell on a patch of darkness. Oh no. It's back. Two glowing blue eyes lit up in the darkness. W-what? It's supposed to be red... A voice came from the shadow, echoing throughout the meadow. "I need to tell you something. You have to belei-" The voice was cut off by Hilda's mother waking her up from the dream. "Hilda, it's time to go to school."                                                                     

"Alright, Mum."

Hilda groggily got up and got ready. "Thanks, Mum." Hilda said, snatching one of the cucumber sandwiches on the table. 

Back in the meadow, the blue eyes remained. Suddenly, the red eyes popped into view. "I won't let you take her." The blue eyes echoed.  "She isn't ready." The red eyes, no longer distorted init's voice, laughed. "Oh, but can't you see? It's all in motion. You can't stop me. And even you know I am more powerful than you." The blue eyes stayed quiet, unable to deny. It suddenly came up with a retort. "But you're trapped right now. You can't do anything." Now the red eyes stayed silent. The blue eyes were pushed backwards, seemingly by the red eyes, due to them laughing. "Let's be civil about this." Said the blue eyes. The red eyes rolled their eyes. "I'm the god of chaos. It's my job to be uncivil." The blue eyes came out of the darkness, but before they were visible the red eyes pulled them back. "Hey! The author isn't ready to describe us yet." Says the red eyes, the sound of a fourth wall breaking heard in the distance. "Let's just go before you find a way to break a fifth wall." Says the blue eyes. The eyes disappear behind a tree.

Back At Hell- er, I mean school

"So you're telling me that you have been haunted by a dream entity? I have a perfect spell for that. And it'll get me some practice on my dispelling entities test." Hilda looked puzzled. "Frida, don't you have enough on your plate?" Frida shook her head. "Knowledge is always important. Tonight, like we did with David and the mara-" David shuddered. "Did you have to mention that?" Frida ignored him. "We hide in your room, under the guise of a sleepover. I do the incantation, and boom! No more sleep demon." Hilda winced. "Will it hurt?"  After all the nightmares, she was not as brave. "No." Answered Frida.

The Sleepover

"Ferauno, dispellus dreamicus, spiritar!" Frida made the incantation. Hilda was sound asleep, David was shuddering, everything was going fine. In Hilda's dream, however, the monster remained. "No!" It rasped. "What've you done?!" Hilda plastered a smug smile on her face. "You are going to leave me alone now." She said. "And since you're just a spirit, there's nothing you can do about it." The eyes widened in realization. "You give me no choice." The eyes said. "I will have to take you with me." Hilda stepped back. "What?" She was confused. "What'd you just say?" The eyes were unfazed. "I will tell you when I have time to spare." Hilda was pulled back instantaneously, into a brightly lit room. Her eyes fell on the eyes, not just eyes anymore. It was a girl with void black eyes and white glowing pupils, with horns and a stone arrow-tipped tail. Their hair was blood red. The person was wearing a sharp tuxedo. They were also very tall, at least 12 ft. "Hello, mortal." They said. "I am Tamu'Kai, god of chaos." Hilda was less scared of this thing now that it had a face. "Nice to meet you, Tamu'Kai." Hilda said. "I'm-" She was cut off by Tamu'Kai. "I know who you are." They said. "And please, call me Kai." Back at the sleepover, Hilda had disappeared. Gone without a trace. The line between dream and reality, mortal realm and immortal realm, was gone, along with Hilda.

Just then, Johanna walked in with a plate of cucumber sandwiches, David and Frida staring at an empty bed. "Where is she?!" Johanna demanded.

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