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"Vegas, you can't be serious, this is plain stupid" Kinn stood up and started as soon as Vegas entered the living area.

"You cut the call just after saying that you need me to come right now, for yelling at me? and for what?" Vegas raised his voice too.

"Ok both of you need to calm down and sit, Kinn we are here to talk as a family not to again fight as animals." Tankhunn broke off the situation which could have ended up in Vegas getting upset and leaving again.

"Why did you call me?" Vegas asked.

"This morning, I got a call from the office of Social Development and Human Security to confirm that you are the Therapanyakun who wants to adopt a child. Is this a joke Vegas?  it better be, because I'm not helping you on this" Kinn was furious again "Definitely you are not eligible for adoption Vegas or else you won't need connections."

"I am eligible ok, I just don't want a random child and also its just foster care for now, adoption will take few more years."

"You really can't be serious Vegas."

"Calm down Kinn, he is saying he is eligible, lets listen to him at least" it was Porsche this time trying to pacify his husband.

"Don't ask me to calm down Porsche, ok even if I agree he is eligible, is he capable? can he even take care of himself let alone a child."

"Kinn" it was Porsche again requesting Kinn to stop and then looking at Vegas to check if he is fine.

"No, let me speak, No, let me ask you this Vegas. what if someday someone tries to abduct the child, can you protect the child? you can't even protect you own husband, hell with that, Pete was a cop and he couldn't even protect himself."

Vegas was glaring at Kinn now and before he can throw a punch at Kinn it was Tankhunn who raised his voice "Kinn don't you dare go there."

"Sorry, I won't speak anymore, but he needs to answer that" Kinn sat back folding his hands over his chest.

Tankhunn spoke softly " Vegas we are not against it ok, we just want to know why this all of a sudden? and if you really want to go through this adoption, how will you manage it, you barely have time for yourself."

"I will, I will somehow manage it, I promise, Macau will help me and won't you all be there to help too" Vegas spoke with pleading eyes. "I really want to do this Phi, I'm trying to be better, this kid makes me happy, I want to breathe again."

"If that makes you at ease, OfCourse we will be there for you and for the kid" Tankhunn spoke after some thinking, then he looked towards Kinn "Kinn."

"Ok, I will call them back for whatever you need but be sure of everything before you proceed."

"Thank You" Vegas spoke in a low voice.

Tankhunn accompanied Vegas to his car "You know Kinn and all of us care for you right? we all want you to be happy again Vegas" Vegas nodded with a smile got in his car and left the mansion.

Tankhunn was the softest heart among all therapanyakun cousins and as the eldest he cared a lot for his brothers. After Pete and Chey were abducted, there was Kinn for Porsche but there was no one for Vegas, Macau was a just a kid, so Tankhunn made sure to take care of both of the brothers, he even moved to their place to make sure Vegas is resting and eating well.

After Vegas and Pete started dating everyone still doubted Vegas' sincerity but tankhunn knew his little cousin always had that side to him, it was just buried somewhere along the way while growing up.

Tankhunn found Pete very endearing, they found similar interests and got closer and Tankhunn got to know why Pete was able to change Vegas' heart, despite his serious and intelligent side as a cop Pete was just a sweetheart in personal life and a very kind person.  He changed Vegas and Tankhunn was thankful to Pete for that.

"You could have been nice to him Kinn, it seems he really likes this child" Porsche spoke to Kinn now resting his head on his hands and eyes closed "And as he said we all will help him, we don't have kids of our own so we can take care of the kid too."

"Yes, we will help him as much as we can, but he will be the father Porsche not us, the child will be his responsibility. he needs to understand this, if he is adopting this child, he has to take care of the kid's needs, to give the kid his utmost attention and time, he needs to do his duty as a father."

"Let's give him a chance Kinn and I have already raised four naughty and difficult kids, I'm an expert here" Tankhunn spoke with pride, entering the area and everyone laughed at his words.




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