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The smell of rum hit his nose as soon as he opened the door. Shadow glanced around, studying the wooden walls of the tavern. It hadn't changed much since his last visit, and he was certain it wouldn't change as long as the tavern stayed.

The black hedgehog made himself comfortable at his regular seat—at the very back of the barroom—removing his feathered hat and leaving it on the table. The waiter greeted him as usual, took his order and left swiftly as they came. Shadow hummed quietly, his ruby eyes studying every person in the room and everyone who left and came in.

The pirate crew Shadow had met during his time here was in the tavern. Typical. Shadow's own crew was enjoying themselves to glasses of rum and well-deserved meals after several months at sea. The captain, on the other hand, was not hungry. He was busy helping himself to a small glass of whiskey, nursing the drink in his hands. Shadow sighed, setting the glass down after taking a small sip.

The front door swung open.

Shadow looked up from his drink, immediately catching sight of the newcomer. It was a blue hedgehog, with silky peach fur on his muzzle and arms. A hopeful light shined from his emerald green eyes as he made his way through the tavern; his smile told the world that he was happy to be in a run-down place such as this. Shadow raised an eyebrow. No pirate would be that excited to be lounging around in a tavern on land.

The mysterious hedgehog made his way to the back of the room, looking for an empty spot. Shadow resisted the urge to jump up and leave when the hedgehog loomed over his table.

"Can I sit here?" He asked politely, pointing to the empty seat beside Shadow. "Everywhere else is full."

Shadow murmured. The hedgehog smiled gently, then seated himself. Silence reigned over the table as Shadow continued to sip his drink while the blue hedgehog fidgeted uncomfortably in awkwardness.

"Must you move?" Shadow asked, growing irritated at the constant shuffling.

"Sorry." The hedgehog answered, scratching the back of his head. "It's just how I work."

The captain set his empty glass on the table. The tavern was slowly getting on his nerves. And the blue hedgehog had begun talking again, rambling about how being able to move calmed him or something along those lines. Shadow didn't pay much attention. But somehow, his voice eased the black hedgehog.

The rambling soon turned into storytelling, tales from the wide open frontiers of continents Shadow never bothered to explore, yet the blue hedgehog has seen them all. So, Shadow listened contently, imagining the excited hedgehog running across endless plains in search of new heights. But in every story, there was a deep sadness. The hedgehog never wished to spend his time on land; he wanted adventures on the high seas. It reminded Shadow of himself.

The blue hedgehog had finally caught his words. He cleared his throat, blushing.

"Sorry." He said, looking down at the table, embarrassed. "I got carried away there."

Shadow looked at the hedgehog. Out of complete instinct—or impulsiveness—he grabbed the blue hedgehog's hand.

"Don't be," he said, looking into those bright green eyes, "I liked it."

The blue hedgehog smiled. Shadow looked away, a soft blush forming on his muzzle as he let the hedgehog go. Said hedgehog soon began to tell his stories again, and Shadow listened to every word.

The tavern eventually emptied out. Everyone has left; headed to their rooms upstairs or back to their own homes—whether it be a house or a ship. Everyone except two hedgehogs, in a corner at the back of the room.

The blue hedgehog sighed, feeling his drowsiness starting to kick in. He was about to say his farewells, but he remembered one small detail.

"Oh!" He exclaimed. "I'm Sonic, by the way!"

Shadow smiled softly.

"It's a pleasure speaking with you today...Sonic."

And the two hedgehogs went their merry way, leaving the tavern behind them.

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