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72 hours? How was he going to solve a disappearance that hopefully had three ambiguous clues in such a short time? While Joshua reproached himrself for his impulsiveness, he walked aimlessly; 

A familiar face met his eyes, ready to say hello, he was about to wave one of his hands, stopping short when he saw how Jeonghan, the fox he had met a few hours ago, was sunbathing calmly on an improvised hammock placed between two palms while at the same time Taehyung? who apparently was not a child as he assumed, thawed the enormous Jumbo popsicle that he longed for so much in the sun.

Jisoo couldn't believe what his feline eyes were seeing, and his surprise increased when he saw how the contents of the huge liquid palette were stored in a tank which they transported in the back of the van that in a few seconds Jeonghan would drive.

Taking his trusty parking lot guard car, he set out to chase the duo of fox hybrids.

"Congratulations Hong Jisoo, you have fallen into the clutches of a fox... again."  Under his breath as he started the car he mentioned.

Jeonghan's journey consisted of small points which left Joshua breathless when he saw how naive he was to fall for that story.

First the duo stopped in Tundratown, while Taehyung left the impression of a mold of footprints on the snow that rested on a huge metal tray, Jeonghan carefully poured the contents into the crevice and then placed one of the small pieces of wood, which Joshua could be sure that these came from the original. In a matter of minutes, they stored said pallets in a refrigerator before resuming their journey, this time towards Little Rodentia. The hybrid with angelic features knew perfectly well the rodents' weakness for sugary things, so why not give them the pleasure?

In front of the subway station, which in seconds was crowded with businessmen, both Jeonghan and Taehyung began to sell their homemade product.

"Popsicle get your popsicle, only for five dollars, I promise you will not regret it." Jeonghan exclaimed with his characteristic seductive smile on his face.

When they finished their sale in almost record time, according to Officer Hong, both of them did not take long to take the trash can where the wooden items to be discarded were deposited. They emptied the contents into another basket which they got into the van, traveling this time toward what looked like a workshop.

Putting on his sunglasses, Jeonghan combed his reddish hair before entering the workshop followed by Taehyung who presented the basket to an overweight beaver who handed him a few bills before the duo left. Back in the city center, Joshua soon confronted the fox as soon as the car stopped on a deserted street.

"You tricked me." Joshua screeched as he twitched his nose in indignation.

Jeonghan, who recognized that sweet voice, instantly turned around, giving the minor a smile.

"Bunny, sometimes things are not what they seem." Jeonghan gently began to say.

"And, it wasn't a trick, it's called hustle, sweetheart." He seductively posed as he wrapped his furry scarlet tail around the young officer's waist reducing the distance between them.

Joshua abruptly pushed away the fox.

"I'm going to arrest you." Officer Hong declared.

The one with the lazy eyes let out a loud laugh in his face. How dare he?

"Why would you do it, pretty? Arrest me for selling a product? Honey, I have a license."

With a velvety voice he mentioned at the same time that he took out a folded paper from his shirt pocket which he soon showed to the officer. 

"And carrots." Jeonghan called the younger by that peculiar nickname that only caused his anger to increase. "You are stepped on wet cement."

Officially the big city had surprised him, and not in a good way.

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