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Jeonghan couldn't believe what he saw with his eyes, and even worse he didn't want to be a part of it.

Who thought it was a good idea to enter that abandoned asylum filled with the mayor's agents?

He wrapped his tail around the officer's wrist hoping that would stop him, but Joshua just plays with the fur before giving him a sign that indicated that they were going to infiltrate that place.

Yoon could only pull his red hair in desperation, he couldn't think of what to say to Jisoo to make him see reason.

Seeing that the younger was walking directly towards a group of wolves dressed in elegant suits, Jeonghan had no choice but to reach out to Officer Hong, and take him by the hand with such intensity that they both fell to the ground.

"What did you..." The one with gray hair was going to start protesting loudly, but he couldn't do it when a thin finger was placed on his reddish lips.

The older male only managed to point in the direction of the group of wolves and Joshua smiled felinely before starting to howl. With that, Jeonghan was sure that he was going to have a heart attack, however, seeing how the group of wolves began to head towards him. the hill to howl at the moon calmed him.

"I can't believe they are still idiots who howl at the moon." The fox commented through his teeth while he looked contemptuously at the group of wolves.

Jisoo, on his part, came forward, taking advantage of the fact that the door of the establishment was open as if they were waiting for someone. He took the redhead by the hand and they entered that gloomy institution.

A huge hallway greeted them both, from there they could hear screams, screams and growls, the sound of objects being slammed against the walls caused both of their ears to twitch.

They stealthily advanced, arriving at the second floor of the Zootopia mental healing center, where the imposing figure of the pompous Mayor Kim was talking to an armadillo hybrid who was wearing a surgical suit.

"Mayor, the situation is getting out of our hands, we requested the help of the Zootopia Scientific Council, but the samples are negative for rabies, we cannot think of what it could be, we are taking samples, without having the slightest idea of how to resolve the situation. There are already one hundred and forty-six infected hybrids, we are on the verge of collapse and we do not have enough sedatives." The armadillo explained.

It didn't take long for the mayor to hit the nearest wall, causing the young doctor to jump back and take a couple of strides in the direction of the person in front of him who was about to curl up into a ball.

"I don't care if you don't know what the hell they have, I just need you to be able to control the situation until after the elections. Do whatever it takes to keep them sedated and calm. Can you do that, Doctor Min?"

After that, Mingyu smoothes the folds of his jacket before putting on dark glasses and taking the elevator.

After five minutes in which there was no movement, Joshua took out his cell phone and began to record the place. The video recorded those cubicles with glass walls in which the hybrids who had disappeared in recent months were locked up, in a cell with crystalline walls with footprints and scratches, including Wen Junhui, the deplorable state of the man he promised Chan to find almost made him gasp, in the makeshift adjoining rooms lay hybrids in the same state. Jeonghan hugged himself, silently grateful for not being in those poor people's place.

In a flash the alarms in the establishment began to ring, both Jeonghan and Jisoo cursed under their breath, they had been very naive to believe that they would not perceive their intrusion, the fox hybrid pointed to an empty cubicle, both of them hiding in it within seconds.

The duo of novice investigators hidden behind a column could not help but turn pale as they watched a few guards begin to thoroughly check the perimeter.

Joshua places his cell phone in a waterproof envelope before putting it in the back pocket of his pants, Jeonghan looks at him expectantly, not having the slightest idea about what was going through Officer Hong's head, however, when he sees the rabbit hybrid immerse his feet in a colossal toilet just at the moment in which the guards are distracted, Jeonghan swears again that he would die of a trip because of that recent graduate.

"That's disgusting." Scandalized Yoon exclaimed dramatically in a whisper.

"It's the only way we can get out of here." Joshua refutes him in the same way.

Not very convinced, the fox decides to imitate the rabbit.

"Let's do it before I regret" Jeonghan mentioned with his ears down, discreetly pointing to the flush button.

Yoon took the hand of the young man with feline eyes out of inertia, as he began to travel that turbulent path that looked like an aquatic roller coaster. They both slipped

​through the aqueducts, falling at the end of its journey into a deep press.

Upon emerging from the water, Jeonghan felt alone, alarmed to see no trace of his gray-haired companion.

He shouted Joshua's name a few times, a few tears were shed as paranoid thoughts occupied his mind, he couldn't lose him.

"Jeonghan." Joshua called behind him, the sweet voice of the rabbit hybrid brought tranquility to his soul, swimming in the direction of the youngest and consequently wrapping him in his arms, caring little about his shameful state, wet from head to toe , with her red hair disheveled, her face pale and wearing a perfume that was definitely not "roses."

"I thought I would lose you." Jeonghan muttered blushing, the youngest shook his head softly before placing his clammy hands on Yoon's cold cheekbones.

"We are a team Jeonghan, and a team never abandons itself." Joshua assured, staring at the angelic-featured male.

"Let's take the evidence to Chief Choi, we only have 6 hours left."

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