thirty-eight𐙚 ‧₊˚ the fair

351 22 50

Li's POV

To put it lightly, our management isn't happy with us, but as Jin keeps putting it, they'll survive.

It's unnerving to have everyone know. The authenticity of our relationship isn't written on paper, our companies still won't make a statement regarding it, but everyone knows. They're not dumb, and neither are we. 

All parties are aware, but our party is keeping things quiet. We're waiting it out, much like Taehyung's suggestion to soft launch, except this isn't so much that as it is being quiet after Namjoon threatened that man.

The man's name is Jungho. It's all over the news as if this is important enough to make headlines. 

Two weeks have passed, and the video isn't trending on Twitter anymore. It reached over 300 million views in its prime, and the viewer count is still climbing. It's honestly terrifying if I think about it too much; that many people seeing me hyperventilate while Namjoon cusses Jungho out.

The guys have been with me, picking me up and dropping me off at work, and while I insist it's not necessary, it makes me feel safe just like they promised. When they're not around, my security and bodyguards are, and that makes me feel safe, too. When it's my men and my bodyguards, that's when I feel the safest.

"So," I say slowly one day after they pick me up from work, Jimin driving us away from my building brimming with paparazzi. "When do you think we can go outside without being slammed by reporters and crazy fans?"

Hoseok sighs. "Not for a while."

They told me the plan they had a few weeks ago—the same day Jungho tried to reach me—was a trip to a fair. It's still there, only up for one more week, and I want to go. I've never been to a fair, and the idea thrills me.

I nod slowly. "Do you think...a week is a while?"

He glances at me knowingly. "There will be other fairs."

"But not this fair. I looked it up," I say quickly, "and it has lots of rides and prizes you can win, and—"

"Not this time." He purses his lips. "I'm sorry."

I push back into my seat, deflated. "I was just hoping."

"Hey," he murmurs. "There will be other fairs. Carnivals, too. We'll take you once everything has died down, okay? We can look up where this fair travels, and we can visit wherever they are."

I perk up slightly at this. "Okay."

He pats the top of my knee from where he's situated in the seat in front of me and squeezes it lightly before turning back around.

I settle against Jungkook, watching him play a game on his phone as Jimin drives us home.

A few minutes pass of Namjoon and Jin talking about recipes and songs they're working on, the others listening or talking amongst themselves on different topics, and I slowly lift my head from Jungkook's shoulder.

I wait for a lull in the conversation before wondering, "Can we go somewhere?"

Jimin catches my eye in the rearview mirror. "Where, sweetheart?"


Jungkook nudges his shoulder against mine. "Tired of being holed up in the house, huh?"

"Yeah." I hesitate before quickly adding, "I like spending time with all of you at home, but it would be nice to spend time with you...outside."

"We get it," Taehyung says with a small sigh. "We want to go out, too."

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