🔴 Ouch..🤚

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      Kai watched as the other boy pushed people away, making others stare. He was causing a scene, and Kai was definitely going to be involved. Not wanting to be a part of this, Kai scurried out of there as fast as his legs could take him. He pushed past people, dodging any decorations and or walls that got in the way. He could hear the boy behind him picking up pace, trying to catch up. An exit was located at the back of the school, not too far from where Kai was at the moment. Kai didn't look behind him. He slid around a corner, now seeing the exit. Pushing himself, Kai ran for the exit. He got closer, and closer, and closer, until he flung all of his body weight onto the handle, swinging it open and then making a run in a dangerous and mysterious direction that not many people went. The woods.


     The weather outside was cloudy, and Peter could tell that soon it would drizzle. Then, eventually, over time, it would pour. Then flood. The breeze would be knocking branches over, and all windows would be fogged up like a stove. He needed to find that boy. Where did he go!? Peter looked around. It was impossible he could have gone straight or to the right, for he'd be in eye view. Wait, so that means... Shit.

        It was against campus rules to go into the woods during school hours. But at the time, Peter did not care. The thought didn't even cross his mind. He needed to find this boy. He took one deep breath, before sprinting into the forest. He could hear rustling in the distance, making it easier to know where he should be going. The other boy was fast, but not fast enough to outrun Peter. Peter was one of the fastest on his sports team. He could tolerate a chase. 

         As time went by, the breeze only became colder, and Peter only became closer. It was not long before Peter was only inches away from Kai. Peter narrowed his vision at Kai, studying his black hair. Below its cut off, was his neck. It looked smooth and fragile. Peter clenched his fist, reached out his hand, and brought Kai down to the ground with one swipe. 


        Kai was running, terrified. Just a little more..

      It wasn't enough. Suddenly, Kai felt a searing sensation at the back of his neck, causing him to fumble in his steps and trip. He landed fast first into the mud. It was painful, and Kai instinctively brought his hand up to the back of his neck. He touched it, and could tell it was starting to get red. Then, he remembered he was being chased. With the last bit of hope, Kai tried getting up, just one more time - 

       A foot slammed his head back to the ground, making Kai groan. "Fuck!" He spat, his ears now ringing. He rolled himself over on his back and looked up at the person standing above him. It was some brunette jock that didn't prioritize himself or others. The bastard looked back at him with an angered expression which Kai gladly returned. "What is your problem!?" He roared. The other boy lowered himself down to Kai's level. He pinned down Kai's shoulders and tilted his head down and turned it so his lips were brushing against his ear. He pulled back a hair, but not letting it go. "You're a little bitch." He seethed before pulling the string aggressively and grabbing his left arm nails first. "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!?" Kai exclaimed, yelling at the boy with the loudest and most angered tone he could. 

        Although Kai's hollers of protest were only ignored. He just kept dragging Kai along, for Peter had other plans of what he'd do tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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