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"Djo!" !

"Djo!" !

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Madeline and Danny had been out on the ice for only twenty minutes and had already captured some amazing pictures of the boys having a blast during their first practice. Jack's hilarious antics provided a good laugh for all three girls. 

As the girls were enjoying themselves, Maya suddenly suggested that they head down to the locker room to ask the boys the "question of the week." Madeline was excited to join her and quickly grabbed her camera, coffee, and phone. 

However, the blonde in their group decided to stay behind. As they made their way through the hallway, Maya turned to Madeline, "Have you seen Luke yet? Do you think he's cute?! He he even you type?"

Madeline expressed her regret, "I regret telling you," she groaned. However, Maya was quick to respond, "No, you don't! and you like him, don't you?" Madeline couldn't help but blush, "He's cute. I guess," she answered. "But I don't know him yet."

Maya continued, "Do you even know what an airport crush is? Well, I'll get you to know him then." She skipped off, leaving a confused Madeline behind. "Wait, what!? Maya!" Madeline ran after her friend.


Madeline was sitting comfortably on the floor, a few feet away from Maya who was engaged in her weekly routine of asking the boys questions as they came in from their practice. 

Madeline, being the diligent and dedicated member of the media team, was busy looking through the camera she had with her, meticulously going through the photos she had taken earlier. 

With a keen eye for detail and aesthetics, she took her time to carefully evaluate each photo, deciding which ones would be the best to send to Maya and the rest of the media team to post on various social media platforms.

Madeline was engrossed in her camera when she suddenly looked up to see Jack, his brother Luke, and Dawson walking past her. A smile spread across her face as she greeted Jack and Dawson while they passed by. S

he then returned her attention to her camera but soon felt someone staring at her. 

Upon looking up, she made eye contact with Luke who was smiling at her. Madeline smiled back at him, feeling a warm sensation inside. But pushed the feeling back. 

She looked down to her lap for a moment before looking up again, making eye contact once more. Luke smiled again and then turned his attention to Maya who had asked him a question.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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