Chapter 4: Kanao/Kanae Knows an Ally.

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Aoi's Pov


I woke up to see Kanao shaking my shoulder as the butterfly mansion was in a panic. Aoi-Sama we are starting to get overbooked, we may need to result to having them camp outside. Kiyo says while putting on a face mask. Why are we- Masters orders, anyone with a bite mark or a black infected area must have limited contact with other residence and put into quarantine. Kanao instructedas Aoi just scratches her head.

Sumi: Aoi-Sama, Kanao-Sama

Sumi and Naho-Chan ran up to us in a panic. Inosuke , Nezuko, Zenitsu, and Tanjiro returned from the Mugen train mission. Sumi says as Naho begins to cry. They look badly hurt. When she said that, Kanao and I imeidietly ran with them. We exited the house to see the Kakushi in panic as they gave us the three men. What happen? I asked as Tanjiro woke up.

Tanjiro: We were sent to investigate the Mugen Train, but when we got to the station something happened.

Tanjiro words were cut off as Zenitsu imeidietly starts to cry. A bunch of demons came out of nowhere and started to attack. Zenitsu says as I noticed Inosuke was unconscious. What's wrong with him? I asked as we had to get these three to the medical room. But before that, he said something. It was spreading to the dead. Inosuke mutters as I had a realization.

Aoi: Were any of you scratched or bitten?

Tanjiro: No, luckily our demon slayer Uniforms were able to prevent any type of damage. Also Inosuke was able to clear ahead, Despise the numbers these demons were extremely weak so they couldn't touch us.

Zenitsu: They went after the train, turns out we were right and it was a demon. That's why we got so banged up.

Zenitsu explains as we manage to get them inside. We've decided to let them stay in our quarters and checked them ourselves while they explained the story. Inosuke wasn't infected but he did end up with a concussion. Turns out the infected demons were after the train since it was the biggest source of food. Zenitsu would then go on to explain how It tried to defend itself and the boys ended up in the crossfire while trying to get everyone to safety.



I yelled from as I woke up in a panic. I was so shocked and scared that I jumped out of my bed. Aoi, Aoi! Genya-Kun comes out of nowhere and would hold my wrist. Aoi Please calm down, it's ok, Your okay. He stated as I was remembering everything. How long was I out? I asked as Genya-Kun was relieved that I calmed down. Just for two days. He says as I imeidietly escaped my quarters. It's night time, the wall- We just replaced the Wisteria and we have guards on double time. Genya says as I remembered something really important.

Aoi: Genya the Radio, is it still in contact?

Genya: I managed to save some of the equipment, But I can't guarantee it will work.

After he said that, I demanded that he takes me to where he had kept the Radio. So he took me to the top of the Love Hashira's estate where he presented a few Kakushi's and civilians helping with the antenna. It took awhile but this should do. The civilian says as he approaches me. Consider this a thank you, If it wasn't for you my daughter would have been killed. The man says as he bows and leaves the room.

I would then imeidietly turn on the Radio and picked up the microphone. Kanao, Kanao are you there? I called out through the microphone as Genya and I were anxious about the response. There was nothing but static, all hope seems loss...until. Aoi, it's me! Kanao says as I couldn't help but form some tears. I can't believe it, it's you. I said as Genya joins in. Tsuyuri, how's Tanjiro, Where is your current location, are you in any- SHUDDUP *BAM*. I Yelled while punching this man in the guts

Aoi's survival journal. (Kimetsu No Yaiba Infection Au)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon