the new place

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A/N: this is my very first time writing something so if there's something i need to improve on or change a little i would love to know but all i ask if be kind please thank you and i hope you enjoy!!!
y/n = your name
M/N= moms name
b/n= brothers name
A/N= authors note

chapter one.
i just got used to california i had just got settled but of course my dads stupid job made me move again it's so tiring he said this is gonna be the last time we leave but he said that about the last 10 states we've lived in.Maybe this will actually be the last time ...HOPEFULLY this will be that last time . i've been stuck in this car for like 6 hours?? and b/n won't stop crying and my mom said "let him y/n he's just a baby he needs to cry" but now i'm irritated and i just want to get to the new apartment already.

we are moving into bumfuck nowhere county called nockfell. it's whatever we are moving into the Addison apartments . i read the reviews it pretty old nothing too crazy . i hope...
(TIME SKIP: addison apartments)
my mom shook me awake forcing me to wake up and help her move all the stuff into the apartment while my dad gets the extra key to the apartment for me and my mom. i'm still in my pjs the sanity falls t shirt my favorite black sweater (A/N i wanna say cropped cuz that's what i would wear but whatever you want to imagine go ahead😭)
and my black sweats i had my headphones carrying a box to the door and setting it down at the door in rusty gold letter the room number 404 glistened and i feel a weird ambiance maybe i'm just nervous to be somewhere new i feel some one tap my shoulder i flinched hard and turned around quickly.

"shit" i say slightly frightened i look at the girl? around my height with blue pig tails and a face mask
"sorry i didn't mean to scare you i'm sal i live a door down room 402" they point
"oh un it's okay i think , i'm Y/N it's nice to meet you sal" i smile taking one head phone off
"nice to meet you too y/n if you want me to show you around or help out me and my friend larry wouldn't mind" he sounded nice enough and my dad wasn't being much help and i'm sure my mom wouldn't mind so " why not i don't think my mom would mind we are parked outside " i smile at him and walked down the hall way putting my headphones back on
"i told you it wouldn't be that hard she's pretty but not a ghost larry" i walked over to larry " i know dude but i would get all nervous or whatever and completelyyyy embarrass myself man " larry patted me on the shoulder " thanks dude" he smiled "yeah yeah your welcome " i laugh "now we have to go help her " we start making our way outside she had tied her hair back all i seen was larry just staring "hey if your gonna look at her can you make it like less obvious man" i nudge him and whisper before me and him walk over to her
i go back to the truck and picked up my hair a little i just put it into a neat bun cause listen i wanna be honest if his friend was cute i am not gonna look all bummy when i see him at least hair and make up wise my clothes was another thing but not the point i see sal and his friend and his friend was so good looking he was tall and his hair was long and he just looked good i see them start walking over to me i put my headphones around my neck when i see sal get closer "hey y/n this is my friend larry " he said gesturing to his friend "hi " i smile at him "i'm y/n it's nice to meet you" i look up at him typical teenage girl crush but he just made moving like one hundred times better "hey it's nice to meet you too so sal said you needed help moving just tell me what you need and i'll help " i tell them to just move the smaller stuff and we can worry about the bigger stuff later when i'm moving one of the boxes out of the truck i stumble and fall into larry his hand grip me so tightly and i was about to basically implode right here "shit sorry " i say using his chest to get back up
"hey don't worry about it are you alright?" he smiled at me nicely which made my face feel hot "yeah yeah tim okay thanks " i smiled back (A/N i know that's corny but like i couldn't leave you guys with no progress with you guys 😭)
i keep thinking about me falling into him ugh this is so embarrassing .....
i sit on the couch laying down my mom and dad left to go get some food with my brother finally i lay down and play with my gear boy when i hear a knock at the door it made me drop the stupid game on my face i sighed and walked over to the door
"who is it?" i look through the peep hole
"hey it's me and larry we wanna know if you wanted to hang out with us larry's mom has some chips and shit and we were gonna listen to music and just hang out for a little " larry is standing behind sal nervously moving
"umm sure just give me like 5 minutes ik be right out " i walk into my room and pull some black skinny jeans i ripped up when i was skating a white shirt my converse some jewelry and my kandi fixed my makeup a little and walked out while they were mid conversation
"it's not that i don't like helping you out you know i will but dude you need to talk to he-" larry shoved sal making him look at the door and he chuckled " umm ready to go?" larry smiled nervously i look at them and tilt my head "sureee" i say kinda confused
we make it into larry's room and it smells like weed and cologne he sits on the bed with sal and i sit on the bean bag eating chips watching them play we talk and laugh for a while and after like an hour and a half i ending up falling asleep on his bean bag i wasn't asleep for long but long enough for sal to leave and larry to lay me on his bed when he went to the living room couch i woke up look at his clock and quickly get out of his room and make his way to his living room seeing his mom there sitting with him "oh hey sweetie what's the rush everything alright?" she smiled at me and he sat up " yeah everything alright y/n?" i put my shoes on and look up at them "yeah sorry i just like forgot my parents went out and their probably looking for me by now " i said "thank you for letting me come over " i smiled back at her and look at larry "um do you mind taking me home i know it's like not that far i just don't wanna go alone" he looked at me and dusted his pant off " i don't mind " he walks over to me and we head out the door " so where did you live before you moved here?" he asked while we walked to the elevator "california but since my dads job makes him move around a lot we live here for now " i smiled " so how long have your lived here for?" i tilt my head "basically my whole life dude it's pretty cool here after a while it gets boring man" larry chuckled pushing floor 4 " i don't know this place looks boring as is " i laughed "yeah kinda but you can learn how to make it fun i guess" he smiled "not to be weird or anything y/n but your really pretty like really pretty" he didn't look at me when he said that he looked straight ahead like he didn't want it o look at me like he was nervous which i thought was cute "thank you" i looked at him "your welcome" he looked at me we made eye contact and he smiled the elevator doors open and he walks me to my door i say goodnight and goodbye and he leaves i wash my face get ready for bed and lay down on my mattress on the floor and fall into deep deep sleep


Larry x fem reader💋حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن