/(Stargazing!... ⭐️/💞?)\

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//one's POV <3\\
Castor and lunar where sitting/laying down watching the stars and naming what the different stars look like after a while lunar started to yawn getting tired and started to fall asleep on castor's shoulder not paying attention to what he was doing but castor looked down at him surprised but he grabbed lunar gently and put lunar on his lap...
//castors POV <3\\
I scooted lunar onto my lap I saw him falling asleep on me anyway so I might aswell make him feel comfortable and I rapped my arms around lunar I could feel the heat coming from his body as I closed my eyes I didn't plan on sleeping it just felt oddly comfortable after a while I felt and saw my face became the same red again.. I thought about what lunar said about that 'love' thing.. I feel like I have its 'symptoms'...
//no one's POV <3\\
After a while castor felt lunar moving on his lap and thought he was waking up but lunar was just moving in his sleep as he grabbed onto castors chest this made castor blush a little more as he petted Lunars back not wanting to bother lunar, after a while lunar woke up but kept his eyes closed to see what castor would do if he thought lunar was asleep so lunar started to pretend sleep as castor thought he was actually asleep...
//lunars POV <3\\
As I started to fake sleep I felt castor stroke my back.. I thought this was odd for him saying that he 'hated physical touch' I felt castor pull me closer to his chest I felt his cold body as I was going to start blushing but then held in my blush knowing that he would know I am fake sleeping if I blushed so I didn't blush and just smelled castors cold shirt it was oddly comforting..
//castors POV <3\\
I smirked I knew lunar was awake he made it way more obvious than it should have been so I pulled him close to my chest and I watched for his reaction surprisingly he did a good job at trying to figure out how to 'stay awake' I thought it was adorable so started to pet his back more and I even played with his hat I was surprised how long it took to get a reaction out of him
//no one's POV <3\\
"I know you are awake~..." castor said in lunars ear

"No I am not.. 😅" lunar knew he was caught

"Mhm sure~..." castor said rolling his eyes

"Fine you caught me.. 😑" lunar said staring at castor
//no one's POV <3\\
Luanr started to stand up and walked over to the purple dead flower sitting perfectly infront of them castor didn't get up just yet and was just watching as lunar walked/crawled over to the dead flower to castors surprise lunar touched the flower and the flower turned into a beautiful purple flower like it never 'died' castor stared at lunar for a while longer before talking
//no one's POV <3\\
"How did you.." castor asked he was confused

"What do you mean?" Lunar asked

"I have been doing this for a while now" lunar added on
//castors POV <3\\
I was so confused.. how did he just bring back something from the dead what he did was practically almost impossible I got up to investigate and walked over to him I looked at the flower and yup it was perfectly healthy I was honestly confused as I looked back up at lunar
//no one's POV <3\\
"Impressive lunar.." castor said looking back up

"Thank you!" Lunar responded proudly

"Where did you learn this.." castor asked because castor didn't teach him this

"Pollux! She taught me this!" Lunar said happily

"Pollux huh..?" Castor said to himself looking away

"It is getting late Lunar let's go home.." castor added on

"Sure!" Lunar said sitting back up
//no one's POV <3\\
Castor and lunar walked back since castor's and Pollux's house was too far and it was dark outside lunar and castor just choose to go to lunar and earth's house! Lunar guided the way hopping along as castor was following him lost in thought about the power the lunar just revealed to him as they arrived to the house earth warmly greeted them and made castor his own room to sleep for the night...

Time : 49 minutes
Words: 743
Have a good day/afternoon/night stars! <3

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