/(This is not home.. 🩸/💧?)\

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//waring! There is gore mentioned in this part! ❤️\\
//no one's POV <3\\
When castor and lunar got to the house lunar immediately fell asleep on his bed (charging station) but when he 'woke up' he saw that he was in a dark room he looked around for a second before standing up and walking around when he was walking around he heard another step of footsteps echo when he walked this scared him...
//lunars POV <3\\
When I was walking trying to look around I heard another step of footsteps it honestly scared me I was thinking of running but seeing how short the room is I don't think that is a good idea.. as I kept walking a heard the other steps of footsteps increased in sound so I started to walk a little faster then I realized I have to run.. so I ran fast intill I hit the wall but when I hit the wall it broke and I fell..
//no one's POV <3\\
When lunar hit the wall it actually broke and he fell it was like an endless abyss again.. like how it was the first time he died.. lunar was struggling a lot to try and get out of this but then when he closed his eyes and opened them he was in a dark room the red, blood drawn arrows pointing everywhere was the only thing in the room with lunar, lunar stood up as he realized he was practically trapped...
//lunars POV <3\\
I was struggling to breathe in the small room if anything the only thing I smelled was the smell of blood from the blood drawn arrows around me.. I went to all sides of the walls.. nope none of them broke after a while I started to feel lightheaded and when I tried to walk to the middle again I heard a slit.. and I felt a very sharp pain in my stomach and realized I got stabbed.. I fell to the ground my body was in so much pain..
//lunars POV <3\\
"This is a dream they aren't real.." I said crying

"This is a dream this is not real.." I continued saying
//no one's POV <3\\
Lunar was having more and more trouble breathing so at that point it was just laying on the floor.. he didn't want to 'die' but it looks like he couldn't do anything.. he even tried his powers but he knew the powers wouldn't work on himself he started to cry more before he was.. woken up?

Words : 427
Time : 27 minutes
Have a good day/afternoon/night! <3

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