/(Pain 🔒💔..)\

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//no one's POV\\
Lunars eyes widened at the sight of eclipse grabbing bat he went dead silent as me saw eclipse raise that bat lunar was never good with his powers but as he started to close his eyes flinching as eclipse aimed the bat at him when eclipse was going to hit lunar, lunar made a shield around himself last minute protecting him lunar looked back up as he watched eclipse stare in shock
//no one's POV <3\\
"How did you.." eclipse ask slightly annoyed

"I.. I don't know.." lunar said slightly stuttering

"..I see you got power aye?" Eclipse said walking closer to him

"..." lunar went silent
//lunars POV <3\\
I was wondering if I can run somehow if I managed to break out of the ropes and ran for the door, because I couldn't teleport out of the ropes it was practically impossible but if I managed to run for it.. how would I though? Eclipse is in front of me ruining my plan.. so I tried to just run for it.
//no one's POV <3\\
Lunar used his powers to break his hands out of the ropes and then ran under eclipse running to the door as fast as he could, but eclipse caught up to him fast and grabbed lunars wrists pulling him back eclipse looked pissed..
//lunars POV <3\\
"What do you think you are doing-?" Eclipse said in a pissed off tone

"..." I couldn't talk as I was full of fear

"ANSWER ME!" he hit me across the face

"..." I was still silent starting to cry

"Pathetic.." eclipse said tying me back down to the chair
(With castor and solar 🤩)
//no one's POV <3\\
Castor and solar where walking thru the woods trying to follow eclipses foot steps castor was getting tired of walking though he was only really doing this for lunar castor was also protecting solar as solar was following the footsteps as he guided both of then thru this hell of a forest.. why would eclipse make a hideout somewhere out here? They both thought at times still walking
//castors POV <3\\
I was getting tired off walking in this forest but I was only doing this for Lunars sake I barely even knew solar but we kinda.. 'bonded' over this? I am not sure if that is how 'bonding' works but that's how I got told it works.. but I oddly had this weird feeling in my chest knowing that lunar was probably in danger.. it felt like guilt? Or sadness? I am not sure I am sure earthlings get sad when people go missing though?..
//solars POV <3\\
The whole time I was following the footsteps eclipse left behind I wanted to talk to castor but he seemed like he wasn't much of a talker so I didn't want to push him but the whole time he seemed zoned out like he was thinking about something.. he seemed a bit sad and I thought it was linked to lunars disappearance I could understand that.. I didn't think about it too much not wanted to make castor think something else by me just blankly staring at him lost in thought.. so I started to look back down following the footsteps again
(Back with eclipse and lunar 😶)
(Btw gore/oil will be mentioned⚠️ :D)
//no one's POV <3\\
When eclipse tied lunar back to the chair eclipse was pissed and wanted to make sure that lunar didn't get away again as eclipse grabbed the bat again and started to violently hit lunars body (legs,chest,neck,arms) it got to the point where lunar was bleeding out oil so much he was practically covered it in for one last blow he hit as hard as he could at lunars head/neck causing Lunars voice box to die out as he sat there in the chair practically a dead body..
//no one's POV <3\\
"See you tomorrow "bRoThEr".." eclipse said throwing the bat at lunar they fell on the ground

"--" lunar tried to speak but nothing came out

"Pathetic-" eclipse said leaving the room

"--!!" Lunar was starting to freak out starting to cry

"---!!??" Lunar was becoming scared from his broken voice box..

Words : 703
Time : maybe a hour-?

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