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AJ's P.O.V

'Okay this is the day ... The day were I have to act my actual personal life into a wrestling show ... Gosh Vince.

Today Is MNR and I have a mixed match

The Lunatic Dean Ambrose and the black Widow AJ Lee team up to take on The best in the World CM Punk and Americas favorite slut Kelly kelly 'gosh I wish breaking someone's neck wasn't illegal'

Dean; what are you thinking of sweet heart

AJ; nothing ...thinking of what I would make legal if I was prez haha

Dean; you better not make me look stupid out there

AJ; ... Excuse me ?

Dean; you know like when you start acting stupid and then you loose the match

AJ; go fuck yourself Ambrose

Dean; whatever lets go we gotta go get ready tv girlfriend

AJ; how about you start treating me like your girlfriend

Dean; well we have sex don't we ..?

AJ; yeah ... That's not what mean idiot why don't you bring me chocolates and roses ??

Dean; with the shit Vince pays us ..? Nah Condoms are already expensive sweet heart

AJ; lets go ..

Deans theme song comes on and I am forced to come out with him as his girlfriend
He doesn't hold my hand all he tries to do is cheer the crowd up but leaves me behind and there he is already standing in the ring
The best in the world CM Punk looking straight at me
And kelly is behind him petting his head like if he was one of those toys your parents use.

Anyways they are both there and the four of us have enough reasons to destroy our opponents.

Authors P.O.V
(I wanna give sidney a big shout out @little.crazy.punker||ig|| for helping me with this scene)

The match starts and the stadium in Chicago is about to blow from all the cheering from the crowd. Dean decides to start the match but accidentally tags AJ in so she has to go in
Phil doesn't back up to tag in kelly but it doesn't seem like he wants to hurt her either instead he stares at her eyes and grabs her hand and kisses it making the crowd go crazy

AJ doesn't feel like fighting and tags Dean back in
they win but Dean doesn't care about Aj and just gets the crowds attention
Aj looks at him with confusion and goes under the second rope.
Punk stops her at the apron before she jumps off the ring, he grabs her neck and pulls her face to his.
They kiss passionately and he carrys her off the apron. They make out a little before Punks puts her down and Aj steps back a few feet.
She looks at him with worry and confusion.
Suddenly Dean does a suicide through the ropes and goes on top of Punk.
They brawl for a bit and Aj walks out covering her face.

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