Crazy Puppies

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AJ's P.O.V

As Phill was walking me to our private Locker room
I couldn't even walk right
I was still very sore.
I could tell Phill noticed but he thankfully hasn't asked me anything.
I hope this doesn't affect on my match against my own BestFriend Kaitlyn.

I watched Phill as he changed into His Trunks he looked so cute.

I went to take out my custom Made "Love Bites" Shirts already Cut in different shapes.
I changed into black Shorts with a black and punk belt.
I put on my High chucks with the pink laces and waved my hair.

Phill stared
"What are you lookin at?" I said.

Punk; "just looking at the beautifulness. No need to be feisty."

I giggled Phill's cuteness always got to me it was so hot.
But then again ... I couldn't stop thinking of the aggression Dean was.
He is This sexy beast.

*Knock knock*

I went to open the door to a WWE administrator.

WWE A.; "Is CM Punk available ?"

Punk; "Yes I am. What can I help you with?"

WWE A.; "Well we got an anonymous idea for a story line and I think it would be great for tonight's Raw.!"

AJ; "Lets hear it !"

WWE A; "Well Punk you go out and do your thing and then give us a little pipe bomb. Then the shield will come out and Attack you at first you will stand up to them but they'll end up Beating you and from there it's up to you guys to make the best of it."

AJ; " What? He could get seriously injured !"

WWE A.; "Ms. Lee you know that once you enter this company anything is possible. Now I have to go good luck."

AJ; "Phill .. You can't do this.. They might hurt you ..

Punk; "Dean won't do anything to me trust me. This is all business only."

It was a lie but I wasn't gonna win anything by arguing.

*30 Mins later*

"Okay Babe It's time for me to go." Phill said.

"Be careful please." I gave him a soft kiss. And he left.

*Look in my eyes what do you see.......*

I was watching him
He won his match.
He was doing his trash talk against the authority...
The shields theme hit.
My hands were sweaty.
I could feel my hot face.
I knew they could hurt him if the wanted to and I know they want to.

But I couldn't do anything I wasn't part of it.
And if I did I would probably ruin The storyline.

Oh no they're hurting him.

"Dean stop." I thought in me.

The doctors had to go out there. No.

When the shield came backstage.

"Why , why did you guys do that ? He is really hurt."I yelled.

Roman; "AJ Calm down ..
I regret it. But if I stopped these two we would've looked bad."

AJ; "I can't believe you Roman. And You Dean...
How could you."

Dean wouldn't say anything he just looked at me.

Seth; "It's just business AJ."

AJ; "ugh."

Punk was sleeping with one shoulder wrapped up
His bruised leg purple.

But it was time for my match.
I don't even know how I can have a match with this conditions.

When I was about to go out Kaitlyn told me.
"If you don't want this match we can talk to the administrator."

"No kaitlyn lets do this"

I came out first with Tamina.
Then Kaitlyn.

We were going at it.
I kept losing my balance and I couldn't concentrate.


I lost my match.

I went back to the Locker room.
And Punk was awake already.

Punk; "I saw your match. You shouldn't of let this come inside your match."

AJ; "I just couldn't concentrate."

Punk; "You see that title on your Shoulder ?
If your defending it and you get distracted you could lose it and who knows when they can give you another chance for it."

AJ; "I know but ....
Ugh I'm just so mad
Cause I know they did it on purpose."

Punk; " I know."

AJ; "so what are we going to do?"

Punk; "You ? Nothing. Me? I'm going to continue the story line."

AJ; "I don't want you to get hurt."

Punk; "And I want you to stop worrying."

After that we both didn't show up at Smackdown
But we did the shields little segment.
A chill ran down my spine when Dean said
"That was just a little tiny taste. CM Punk we will end you. And I will get everything even a crazy puppy."

I knew I was the crazy puppy.
But I didn't say anything.

I noticed that Dean kept playing with a toy in his hands.
I finally got to see what it was and it was a plastic Black Widow.

We went to the Bus and I send Dean a text message.

"I need to talk to you.
Meet you tomorrow night 8pm. Your Hotel room.
Btw Nice toy."

He answered

"Don't bother to wear to much clothes."

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