She Cried

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AJ's P.O.V

I woke up.
I was really dizzy.
I was in Phill's tour Bus.

Punk ; "AJ?"

AJ; "Phill why am I here stop the bus I want to get out.!"

Punk; "AJ Calm down everything will be okay all your stuff is in here you can go a soon as we arrive to the show tomorrow."

AJ; "Did you Kidnap me ?! Why ?! Why Phill and how'd out put me asleep?!"

Punk; " I did not kidnap you I just wanted you to be safe from that drunk or Dean-"

AJ; "don't call him that!"

Punk; "Fine. And I didn't put you to sleep before you left to your match Eva Put something in your drink thinking she might of beat you with that. I was just trying to help I swear."

Was The things Phill told me true ?
I was still in my ring attire so I went to the bathroom to put on comfty clothes.
I checked my phone and there was a text from Dean that had been sended after the show.

"AJ where are you I'm worried." Said the text.

"I'm on my way to The next schedule."I send him back.

"With who ?" I didn't reply.

If I tell him I'm with Punk he's gonna think the worst of me.
When it got dark and the bus started again I went to sleep. Phill got inside bed with me and hugged me. I waited for him to fall asleep and I went to sleep on the seat he had in there.

When I woke up it was morning and we where out side the Arena.
I got all my stuff changed and left not leaving a note.

I took a taxi to my already paid hotel.
I got my room and watched TV all day until l had to leave for Smack Down.

I got to the Arena I was nervous to see Dean and worried that Punk was going to start asking me questions.

Dean texted me.

"AJ I wanna see you."

"Meet me by the Divas Locker room."

"See you there." He responded

I waited and saw him coming to me.
I smiled.

AJ; "De-"

Dean; "AJ I think we should stop seeing and talking to each other. Bye."

No . I can't believe that just happened.
I started crying so bad.
I asked for permission to leave so I did.
I got my stuff from my hotel and went to the one place that I might just feel comfortable.
Phill's Tour Bus.
I knocked and he opened
Let me In Without asking questions.

AJ; "Dean Told me ... That he didn't want to see me anymore nor talk to me and I'm just Heart broken."

I leaned in to kiss him

Punk; "AJ as much as I want to kiss you back I can't because I know you are thinking of Dean."

AJ; "shut up Phill."

I kissed him again this time he kissed back
We had clothes off about five minutes after.
We where having a wonderful time.

I woke up next to phill we were still naked.
Me and Phill had sex
And it was amazing.
I smiled as I saw him sleep and gave him a peck in the lips.
I went to buy us waffles.
And when I was back he was shirtless in basketball shorts.

Punk; "oh there you are I thought you escaped my sight again."

AJ; " No Punky Never !"

He kissed my forehead
And we say down to eat.

Punk; "AJ can you pass me the syrup."

AJ ; " here anything else?"

Punk; "yeah I love you and I want you to be my girl Friend."

AJ; " what... Yes Phill!"

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