74. Wembley

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"You want to lead training today?" Ted requested. 

"I sure do!" Birdie agreed.

"Can you make sure the boys dont get into trouble for me? Warm them up? I just need a moment."

"Yep, SAM!" Birdie shouted grabbing his hand. "Can I ride on your shoulders?"

"Sure thing little Welton." Sam agreed lifting her up.

"Dont drop me or mama will be mad." Birdie added seriously.

"I won't drop you." Sam agreed smiling up at her.

 Poppy found ted taking some deep breaths and she wrapped her arms around him. 

"Breathe in the flowers." Poppy whispered. 

"Blow out the candles." Ted agreed leaning back into her. 

"You got this Ted Lasso." Poppy added kissing his cheek. 

"You ready for this game? It's a big one." Ted remarked turning in her arms.

"I'm not the coach." Poppy countered. "I dont have to be ready, I can have a drink and curse the ref without a care... but I do care. But dont stress yourself out Ted. Its just a game at the end of the day." 

"Thanks Poppy." 


"Gentlemen. Focus up. All right, fellas, I want you to close your eyes. Look around. You know. I mean, open them up and take it all in." Ted declared. "But remember, this right behind me, just a regular old football pitch You take away the stadium and all the stands, I think you'll find it's the same size as our pitch back home on Nelson Road."

"Not exactly."

"What's that?" Ted countered.

"It's 10 square yards bigger."

"Really? The pitches aren't the same size?"


"This is the biggest pitch in the country."

"Huge advantage for City."

"TELL ME!" Poppy demanded. 

"No! Stop it." Rebecca begged. 

"I will go ask Sam then, and he's in the middle of a team meeting-"

"Poppy you wouldnt." Rebecca sassed. 

"Oh Sam how was your date which all of your friends knew about but what they didnt know was who the women was!" Poppy added dramatically. "How was that date with my big sister, Rebecca!" 

"STOP IT!" Rebecca covered her face with her hands. "Don't embrass me."

"So you had fun?"

"Yes." Rebecca agreed. 

"And you totally fucked him." 

"I- stop it." 

"Birdie is with Ted, tell me all the dirty detail!" 

"Boy, oh, boy. This sport has the loosiest-goosiest rules of all. Tough to get my head around sometimes. Okay." Ted declared with a clap. 

"We can study together, Ted." Birdie offered. 

"I would like that, Birdie Boo." Ted agreed grabbing her hand. "All right. It's bigger. And, uh, look, I know y'all grew up watching games on this field, so you're probably a little nervous. shoot, I know I got goose bumps." Ted added. "I remember being a little kid, sitting in front of the television and watching Queen perform right over there during Live Aid."

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