Motherly loving Part 3

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Mallika was getting ready for another day of work. Siddhartha told him to prepare breakfast for his mother in Kishan. Once again she was amazed to see her mother in saree and this time black saree with backless blouse. Her entire back was naked and Siddharth could not decide whether it was a dream or reality. Mallika could never work in saree. Controlling his enthusiasm he went to the kitchen. "Morning Mom" said that Siddharth is showing any kind of enthusiasm. Mallika turns and congratulates her son. Mallika said in her sweet voice, "It's 8 dear, I know its holidays but try to wake up early." Yes! Like her looks and tremendous body, her voice is also a treat to listen to. Mallika sings well and in fact has started Carnatic music classes for the children in the apartment. Sidharth exclaimed and did a quick scan of her from head to toe. She had tied her saree an inch above her navel but her stomach was bulging with heat. With the black saree, her stomach looked like a dull stone in a coal field. One cannot resist themselves from feeling it after seeing it. "Mom what a surprise, you are going with saree today"? Asked Siddharth. "Yes child, with all the compliments you gave me yesterday I was really happy and also wanted to try the sarees that your father bought for me, new and unused" said sweet mother while making lunch for her. . "Yes mom you are looking really good in saree" Sid said with her naked back to him. He loved the smoothness of his back. Mallika turned and hugged him and left him for work.He took his activation and stopped near the gate to find Sanjay waiting for the school bus. Sanjay is a Grade 10 student and lives in a flat with his father. Sanjay had lost his mother a few years ago and hence Mallika had a soft corner. She always use to help them in testing times and her father was also a friend to her. Like Sidharth, Sanjay was also surprised to see her in a saree. "What about your bus. Is it already late?" Mallika asked Sanjay worriedly. Sanjay said, "I am not sure aunty, I will ask my father to take the fall". Mallika says that she will drop him and convinces him to come with her. Sanjay was sitting on the bike and holding the back handle for balance. Mallika looked at him through the rear glass and said, "Hold me boy, I'm not going to bite you" and laughed. Sanjay hesitantly placed his left hand on her shoulder. Mallika herself raised her right hand and placed it on her waist and started riding. Sanjay felt as if electricity was passing through him. Soon she placed her other hand on her waist and started feeling her divine elasticity. Mallika felt her hands rubbing gently in the slow ride and reminded her of her son Siddharth's behavior yesterday. She reached school and Siddharth wanted to feel more than her. With a sad face he got down and thanked Mallika. She gave him a kiss on his cheeks and left. Back home Siddharth felt that the going was very slow for him and images of his mother were flashing in his mind the whole day. Mallika reached the bank and while coming down she found her saree to stop below her navel. She tried to pull off the petticoat but due to the smoothness of the skin, she was slowly moving down in the same position. She covered the navel with pallu and...Mallika walked to reach her seat in the bank. This is the walker that made the entire bank go "wow." Her sexy clad breasts moved with every step and her stomach was tilted to make her look sensual. With just a few steps, there his nave again came out to the people for a grand feast. In fact Mallika even attracted attention from some of the women present there. Finally she reached her seat and started her work. Some female employees were actually jealous of Mallika not only because of her looks but also the attention she received from the tea boy to the managers. Manager Srinivas Rao who is known to be arrogant and strict never raises his voice against Mallika whenever she commits any mistake. The time ticked around 1.30 and the employees were heading out for lunch. Surprisingly he saw Siddhartha standing in front of him. "Boy what are you doing here?" Asked Mallika with surprised face and smile. Siddharth said with a smug look on his face, "Mam I want to deposit Rs 1000." Mallika smiled with a raised eyebrow and said, "Its lunch time sir, please come back later". Both mother and son laughed, and Siddhartha said that he was bored and so he paid her a visit. The manager saw the proceedings and called Mallika to go inside. Siddhartha visited his work several times and Sri Rao knew him very well. Siddharth reached the room and sat next to Rao before pulling out the only chair present there. Mallika joined the room with her usual jiggles of her deep navel. enter the scene

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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