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noun1. the act of ; the state of being .

2.a notion; idea.

She has some odd conceptions about life.

3. something that is.

That machine is the conception of a genius.

4. origination; beginning.

The organization has been beset by problems from its conception.

Now, while this story may seem a little out of whack, I swear to you, whoever is reading this, that this DID happen and it still haunts me to this day.

This story is about that eerie feeling...

That weird feeling that everyone has felt...

That feeling that you get, the one that makes you want to close every door in the house, turn on every light and make sure to check every room before entering it...

That feeling that even when you think you're alone....You KNOW someone else is with you..

If I had known back then what I do now, things may have ended differently.

But sadly, you can't change the past.

It was a few weeks ago, I believe, memories are hard to keep track of these days and it's difficult focusing when I keep seeing..

Sorry, I'm getting off topic.

I woke up like any normal teenager would, sleep covering the edges of my eyelids as I blinked it away to clear up my vision. I swung my legs over the side and tried to get up, my legs wobbly and my mind still half asleep, these factors making it difficult to find the light switch as my hand traces along the wall. When my fingers finally find that familiar shape of the switch, I flick it upwards, of course the sudden change of light blinds me for a few seconds as I rub my eyes, trying to help them adjust. I open the door and take a step outside my room, as the door slowly shuts behind me, I think I feel a strange rush of air. Like someone breathing on the back of my neck. I turn sharply and jump away from my door, which closes as soon as I look at it. I shake my head, believing I'm just imagining things.

"The weirdest things happen when you've just woken up" I say to myself.

I open the door to the bathroom and twist the tap on the sink, forcing the cold water out of the faucet and into the basin, I cup my hands underneath the tap, water slowly filling the space. I splash the cold liquid onto my face. This action is what I do every morning, ritually. As the water cleared the rest of the sleep from my eyes, I looked into the mirror, my face filled with confusion. My door was open again... But I had remembered it closing behind me. I shake my head again, chalking another one up to my sleepy mind, I splash some more water onto my face before turning the tap off, grabbing a towel and drying my face. I hung the towel over the metal bar in, more or less, the same place I had found it. I left the bathroom, leaving the door open this time, the heater wasn't on so I had no real reason to close it. I walked down the hall, my bare feet slapping against the cold wood, as I passed my parents bedroom I noticed something strange out of the corner of my eye, I stopped and looked into the doorway. The bed had been made and the room was clean, as if they hadn't even slept in there last night, I furrowed my eyebrows in slight confusion, before shrugging it off and walking to the kitchen. I open the fridge and pull out the orange juice, as I close the fridge door, I spot a yellow note stuck to the pearl white door. I set the juice down and look at the note, it was clearly written hastily by my mum, who had probably been in a rush to get out the door when she wrote it. I read the note, the small and intricate letters all flowing together, it said something about my mum had to leave for work and she would be back in a few days, with "Love Mum" written on the bottom, a few kisses next to that... It was something along those lines, as I said, the memory is quite hazy..

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