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1. the act or faculty of , or apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding. 

I snapped up from my bed, my sheets damp with cold sweat... the same sheets I put on my bed that morning.

What the fuck was that...? I think to myself

I hold my head in my hands, shaking it slowly as I rise from my bed.

What happened? I asked no one in particular

What surprised me the most was that I heard an answer..

The voice was soft, much like a small child's, but there was something... Off, about it. It just didn't sit right with me what was happening, I turned to the source of the sound. My door, wide open, when I had woken up it was closed... I shook my head hard, closing my eyes and counting to three. I opened my eyelids, seeing the now closed door.


It was all I could manage to say before I heard a knock on the front door, I slowly walk down the stairs and peek through the blinds covering the window by the door, he was a man of medium build, tall, a hard face, one scar on his right cheek, he turned to me and smiled, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a badge, I had some trouble reading exactly what it said, the writing on the bottom was blurred, to which I blamed my tired mind, a feeling of utter dread crept up on me as I looked at the man's face, it was blank, no emotion.

Why you ask? Why did I dread and fear what the man had to say?

Why do you think!? My parents and my sister were out of town at the time and with me, being the over-thinker that I am, assumed the worse as I always do. I unlocked the wooden door and looked at the officer (of some sorts) through the fly-screen door

"Morning son, my apologies if I woke you up at this hour" The man said, sternly.

I turn and look at the clock by the back door in the kitchen, I had trouble reading that too... I just assumed it was nine in the morning.

"It's no bother sir, really. How may I help you today?" I turned back to the man before screaming and slamming the door on him.

He was gone, that THING was back, the black thing, whatever it was..

I locked the door and ran back upstairs, slamming that door behind me too. 

I then realized why I had such trouble reading the badge and the clock...

You can't read in dreams.

I shake my head, repeating the word "No" out loud, over and over again.

I see nothing but darkness...


I lift my head off of my desk, waking up, I pat myself all over, checking for any marks or any indication at ALL that it wasn't just a dream.

I breathe a sigh of relief when I couldn't find anything to relate back to that dream, I turn, facing my bed, before stopping and looking in my mirror...

Behind me...

It was there...

I froze... 

It leaned in and whispered 

"Let... Us... Out..."

I turned sharply..


I hear it's voice again, wanting to be free, I spin all around my room, shaking my head, covering my ears, trying to block it out

The voices kept getting louder and louder...

And then I gave in

I screamed... I yelled, I thrashed about....

But I gave in

"Fine... you win..."

I didn't care anymore, I just wanted it to stop... I became a blank slate for the next few days... I didn't leave the house, I didn't care... I felt like a puppet, being controlled, like my movements weren't my own...

I felt... 


All of my emotions, everything... Gone

Those days are blurry to me, I only remember a few parts of it... But the biggest part was the screaming...

Constant, non-stop, screaming...

I didn't want this anymore...

I fought...

My mind was a constant battle for power, for control

I won some days.. But it would just come back stronger than ever the next day...

I didn't want any of this...

I wanted it to end...

And suddenly...

It just stopped.

No final battle, no dramatic part where I overcome the evil just to save the one I love

One day it was a horror




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