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I wanted to stay in the house.

I didn't want to leave...

It was so... Cold.

I looked ad the heater, unsure whether it was on or not, it was on, the room temperature was supposed to be 20°C in here. Why did it feel so cold?

I simply brushed off the things I saw out of the corner of my eye. As I walked down the hallway to my bedroom, I heard footsteps behind me... I quickened my pace, not wanted to look behind me, as my pace quickened, so did the sound of the footsteps. I power walked, now halfway through the hallway, the footsteps now sounded mere inches from mine. I sprinted down the rest of the hall and around the corner, the footsteps close behind me. I ran into my room and slammed the door behind me, I heard a loud bang on the other side like something, or someone, had ran into it. I took a few deep breaths, calming myself and slowing my heartbeat to it's regular pace. I quickly scanned the room, looking for anything I could use as a weapon. I heard another loud bang, which was closely followed by another and another. The bangs becoming louder and louder. I grabbed my hockey stick and crept towards the door, my right hand gripping the stick so hard that my knuckles turned white, my left hand reaching for the door knob, the bangs increasing in volume. I took a deep breath and gripped the handle...

The banging stopped, I pulled the door open as fast as possible, the handle making a dent in the wall. Nothing was there, my eyes widened as I dropped the stick and slammed the door again. Whatever this thing was, it was smart, it wanted me to open the door... It WANTED me to let it in. I racked my brain, trying to remember what I saw out of the corner of my eye... But I didn't remember a thing... It was like I never even saw the thing, I remember looking to where I thought I saw something, but... 

What IS this thing?

It was at this point I heard a shuffling in my bedroom, I turned, back pressed against the door, I looked down at my hockey stick.. I reached towards it and begun to hear a low growling which got louder and more fierce as my fingertips got closer to the stick, I backed away, dropping my arm to my side

"What do you want...?" I asked, my shaky voice clearly showing my fear.

What surprised me the most was that the thing responded..

Its voice sounded like someone who smoked and drank whiskey too much, I strained my ears trying to hear it... All I could get out of it was one word


My mouth opened wide in shock, suddenly a wave of darkness covered me, I tried to fight it, but I gave it, the darkness swallowing me whole.

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