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Sunoo's eyes flutters open to find Jungwon gently ruffling through his hair. The ticklish sensation elicits laughter from him, but as he looks into Jungwon's eyes, he senses a sadness behind the smile.

"I'm sorry for what I did. It won't happen again," Jungwon says, his voice carrying the weight of regret.

Sunoo, still smiling, responds, "It's okay." He playfully pokes Jungwon's cheek as he continues, "But why did it happen?"

Jungwon looks down, his expression becoming more serious. He takes Sunoo's hand and asks, "Do you remember it now, what I did to you before?"

Sunoo nods slightly, concern painting his expression.

Jungwon, burying his face in his hands, continues, "If I knew you, I wouldn't have done that. You changed me, Sun. But
I'm still me, I have no choice. I wish I had a normal life, like you."

Sunoo reaches out to gently cup Jungwon's face. "Won, you're still you, and I wouldn't want you any other way."

"I'm a murderer." Jungwon's whispers, his voice shaking. Sunoo, though taken aback, meets Jungwon's gaze with understanding.

"I'm not stupid. I know what you are," Sunoo gently responds. "It's not your fault, and it's something you can't change. Don't blame yourself."

Jungwon nods and hugs Sunoo. "I've tried to find ways to avoid doing the gruesome things my kind does," he explains. "But my father suddenly refused to help me, and I had no other choice. I didn't want to hurt you, you shouldn't have come."

Sunoo, avoiding eye contact and fidgeting with his fingers, questions, "What would happen if I didn't come? What would you do?"

Jungwon, gazing out of the window into the woods, whispers, "I don't know. Maybe I would go mad, or maybe I would die."

Sunoo's face reflects a mix of shock and sadness. "I don't want you to die," he pleads, his eyes filled with genuine concern.

Jungwon shakes his head and strokes Sunoo's cheek. "I would rather die than hurt you."

In response, Sunoo pulls Jungwon into a warm, comforting hug. "I don't care if you hurt me. Do what it takes to survive."

Jungwon sighs, letting out a sob as the guilt continues to weigh on him.

Amidst the tears, Jungwon manages to choke out, "I love you. Please don't ever leave me."

Sunoo, whispering in Jungwon's ear, assures him, "I will never leave, my love."

As Niki and Sunghoon enter the bustling school, Niki can't help but express concern, "Why are you here? What if someone sees you?"

Sunghoon chuckles, "Relax, nobody here knows me except Jungwon. I'd love to see his face when he realizes I'm around."

Niki smiles, scanning the sea of students for Sunoo. Spotting him in the crowd, Niki runs over and embraces him tightly. Sunoo reciprocates the hug with a bright smile.

Jungwon, standing behind Sunoo, can't hide the pang of jealousy as Niki hugs his boyfriend. Sunghoon, appearing from the crowd, notices Jungwon's reaction, causing a mischievous grin to spread across his face.

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