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Shivaay looked up.

"Yes, a million times yes." Anika said with the brightest smile of hers.

It was their 50th dinner date. Not that he was counting them. He had planned out everything. It was two years ago when they had confessed their feelings to each other. She invited him to her graduation. She was going to start her own event management company. He was proud of her. Their relationship was a smooth sail.

He invited her to his flat. Cooked dinner for her. Her favourite. Aloo-puri. And with her favourite desert gajar ka halwa.

After they had the dinner, he bowed down extending his right hand asking for a dance. The lights dimmed. And a soft music played on speakers.

Listening to our favorite song
I have faith in what I see

He pulled her closer, singing along the lyrics. Her smile was radiant and captivating.

Now I know I have met an angel in person
And she looks perfect

He nustled into her neck. As he breathed in her scent deeply. He spun her around. She had a light blush dancing on her cheeks as she tiptoed to press a kiss on his nose.

I don't deserve this
You look perfect tonight

She did. She did look perfect tonight. In his eyes she had always been perfect. Ever since he had seen her in the library. He knelt in front of her. Her eyes watered upon seeing the ring in his hands.

"Yes! Yes, a million times yes!" She had cried as she ran in his arms hugging him tight. He put the ring in her hands and pressed a kiss to her fingers.

"Can I tell you a secret?" He had asked later in the night. When they were just lying on his bed cuddling watching some sitcom she had put up. She nodded. "I lied. That was my first day in the library when I saw you sitting alone. I have never been so mesmerized in my life until my eyes saw you. I wanted to talk to you. Hence I..." He said as he turned meeting her eyes. They were staring at his with so much love. A laugh came out of her along with a joyous exclamation of "I knew it."

He didn't know how he got so lucky. He thanked his sister for sending him to the library for her book, otherwise he wouldn't have gone to library. He wouldn't have met her.

She mentally thanked her lucky stars that her plans for that day cancelled. And she went to the library instead. Otherwise she wouldn't have met him.

They were now inseparable.

The Library has turned into their special place. The place where they met. The place where they shared their first kiss.

The place where they had their first date, the library dates.

— T H E   E N D —

[ Thank you for reading this book. This idea was in my mind for days. Do tell me how you liked it ]

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