🐍~chapter four~🐍

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After Lucifer left I was alone with my thoughts. My mother looked at me in a somewhat admiral disgust, but that didn't make me regret it. She was going to live because of me, I should feel pride, but instead I'm left with a dreaded crawling feeling of self pity, and a part of me that i never really noticed was there until it was gone.

i hated how easy it was, just selling my soul like I haven't been told all my life that the thing i did little hesitation was deadly and forbid. My best friend surfed for false accusation, while i do the real thing and have zero punishment. I was beginning to truly hope my mother would turn me in. Death would be a release from this horrible secret that id have to keep for the rest of my sad, soul-less life. 

Mother wouldn't do that though, no matter the treacherous act i commit, I'm still her daughter, she loves me, and I saved her life. There's just no way she could be mad, right? 

"mother-" I began to speak before being abruptly cut off by her.

"don't" she hissed "you are not my daughter, you are a demon. But i wont turn you in, for, it will hurt my real daughter, my lovely saint, of a daughter..." 

After she spoke these words I felt my whole world collapse. Whatever bit of soul I had left died. one of the only two people I truly loved and trusted in this world just turned her back to me, after I saved her. SHE DARE FORSAKE THE ONE WHO SAVED HER LIFE?!

"how dare you...how DARE you! I SAVED YOUR LIFE, I CURED YOU AT THE COST OF MY OWN SOUL, AND YOU CAST ME ASIDE, I CAN NOT BELEIVE YOU MOTHER!" I yelled in a sour and angry tone.

"do not call me mother, I did not birth one of  the devils servants.." she jeered.

Instantly I felt tears well in my eyes. For once I felt like I knew the true definition of there are two sides of the story.

My emotions took over and I ran out of our house with flushed cheeks and red eyes, and my regular clothes because I stayed up all night looking for that damn book...I was no longer wanted, the only thing my mother would see me as is a monster, a monster that saved her already godforsaken life, and yet I couldn't blame her...

My thoughts went to the near forest that of which I was told countless stories of as a little kid of wendigos and witches who would eat me up in there, but I felt it was the safest place for me and my thoughts.

deep in the woods a found a large tree that I slumped down on. I easily let go of my last bit of restraint and burst into tears. Breaking down late at night in the middle of the place I've feared most since I was a kid and for a reason id never expect soon, I lost control of my breathing. In a desperate attempt to calm down I clutched the star pendent that hung around my neck like my life depended in it.

After a few minutes I finally began to relax, but as my grip loosened on the pendent I noticed a sharp pain the the palm of my hand. A small cut was in the middle of the imprint on my hand. While it wasn't horrible, it still had a few trails of blood dripping from it, when suddenly a thought popped into mind.

'Maybe ill be seeing lucifer sooner than I think....'


Authors note: 


sry i haven't posted in like... a week and for the short chapter but I'm working on it😋

Y/N's a little pressed, but that's ok she's' got new found mommy issues, we've all been there😝

ANYYWAYSS i was reading this one story and they were signing their name after every chapter so ima start doing that😘


P.S-should i do smut later on in the story????

word count- 672

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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