Chapter One

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A new executive

It's seven in the morning on a Monday morning, barely after breakfast and the boss of the Port Mafia, a mysterious yet cold man, Mori Ōgai, had called a meeting for half past seven. As for why, no one was sure, everyone was sharing confused glances.

The door opened and closed, everyone turned their heads in anticipation, could it be a new member? The black haired boss walked in, looking at everyone before sitting down at his desk.

"Good morning everyone, I trust you all slept well. I appreciate you all being here on time, we're just waiting on one more person. She seems to be running late, ah well, we can start without her." He says, loudly and firmly.

"The reason this meeting is happening is because we have a new executive. As we've all been made aware I trust, of this specific persons..trustworthiness and strength. She's reliable, cunning, smart and loyal. A few of you already know her, specifically Akutagawa and Gin. Before I reveal her identity, talk amongst yourselves to figure it out." He paused abruptly, "Consider it as a test of your ability to pick up on clues."

He nodded as everyone started whispering and chatting. "You think you know who it is, Akutagawa?" A man with ginger hair and a hat that definitely stood out asked the boy with black and white hair.

"Of course- I was sworn not to tell by her however. Surprised you don't know. She's famous after all. Chuuya-San."

Chuuyas eyes widened. "You don't mean it's-". Chuuya was cut off by the door opening and closing once more.

"Apologies for the delay..I was fighting some morons..did you start already, boss?" A woman's voice called out, it was a soft voice but it was quite quiet. "Yeah. We were just wondering about your identity. Well, they were."

The clicking sound of high heels rang out in the room, a woman stepped forward, revealing herself. She had (hair colour) hair and (eye colour/s) eyes. She was wearing a long sleeved dark blue crop top, a matching dark blue skirt, which ended just above her knee cap. She had dark green gloves that were cut so that the gloves ended at around her thumb.

"Oh? Well then..". The woman's face was not visible but it was clear she was smirking. "Everyone, it's nice to meet you, I do hope we get along. My name is (L/N) (Y/N), I'm sure you've heard of me.

There were audible gasps in the room, (L/N) was the last name of a family who were known to have strong ability users, but they were all wiped out years ago, excluding (Y/N) who has made it known to the world she survived and surpassed her former family members.

"Now, let's see.." The woman's eyes were squinted and she was looking at the crowd. "Hm..ah." She walked over to where Akutagawa and Gin were seated.

"You two! Have you been eating well? You must join me for dinner sometime. You look as strong as ever, Aku, Gin." Gin was visibly blushing from the compliment while Akutagawa looked pleased with himself.

Mori, the boss had long left the room, mainly so had everyone else, excluding (L/N) and the two she was talking to.

"Come with me, we have time to catch up before missions officially start..oh? You look pale Aku, are you feeling okay? Is your cough getting worse?" "I'm okay, thank you, (Y/N)-nee." You weren't actually the siblings elder sister, it just so happens that you cared for them years ago while Dazai was still working with the mafia.

The trio soon found themselves in the woman's new office, talking about life. There was a sudden ring from the woman's mobile phone.

"Yes, what is it, Higuchi-san?" "I see..very well. I accept. Bring who with me? Okay!" The woman then hung up the phone and stood up. Even with heels on, she was probably only around 5'6. "Come on Aku! We got a tip-off from Higuchi that the were-tiger took the bait."
The Armed Detectives Agency
"And if you happen to see these two, Atsushi-Kun, run."
The duo of Akutagawa and (Y/N) walked to the dead end Higuchi said, to see her being strangled by some part time employee. "Oh? There's more than one of them? Perfect!" (Y/N) smirked devilishly.

Atsushi turned his head to the noise, so did the other guy. There was a shot girl on the ground, no doubt Yosano would heal her wounds though.

'Damn it..! The two people I was told to run from and I'm in a dead end..what do I do? Do I fight? But...Dazai san said...'

"Eh? You plan to fight us boy? Foolish decisions. Honestly. What goes through your mind, hm? Very well then. We're left with no choice. Aku, we'll fight for a few minutes then leave..I got better things to do today." The boy nodded. "Rashōmoun!" There was now a blackish red demonic creature emitting from his black trench coat."

Akutagawa was focusing on the weretiger, while the girl just smiled. "Tell me, Tanizaki was it? Why do you think me and Akutagawa were sent here? Us, arguably two of the strongest ability users of the mafia here?" Her eyes darkened. 'If Dazai's playing this card, two can play this game. This is no doubt his idea. Damn suicidal idiot.'

"Ability; demon: ten percent." The woman grew slightly in size, her eye pupils became slits, her aura seemed more..dangerous. She began relentlessly attacking Tanizaki before he got the chance to cast an illusion.

'Shit! This is ten percent of her ability yet I can't even get an attack in or activate my ability..I'm too focused on protecting myself. Dazai was right..she really is, 'The Demon Queen..' Tanizaki was clearly going through his mind for any idea, (L /N) felt sympathy for the boy. Everyone had the same reaction to her power.

"Akutagawa! Finish up! We're leaving. However..for good measure.." the girl broke off. "Ability; deactivating ten percent!" The woman deactivated her ability and picked up a gun. "Stay still for me, Tanizaki-kun." She then proceeded to shoot him until there was no more bullets.

"Bye-Bye, detectives" She said in a menacing and mocking tone.

'(Y/N)-née easily could've killed the boy..why didn't she?'

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