Chapter 4

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Missions are fun
Now that the Black Lizard had fulfilled their mission, it was time for (Y/N)'s mission; infiltrating a large enough gang that was killing low ranking mafia members. She was to get information and defeat them and leave before she could get caught by any military officers.

"Man I love infiltrating missions! They always give off such an adrenaline rush, don't ya think so?" The woman asked, in a tone that indicated excitement. "I must agree with you, (Y/N)-Sama. They are quite the entertainment. Although Boss leaves most of the infiltrating to the executives." Hirotsu replied, ever the conversationalist. Gin was listening eagerly, while Tachihara looked to be sleeping.

At last, they arrived at the location that they were informed the gang was last sighted.

'Gangs usually move base every three days, they were spotted two days ago so they should logically be, what disguise do I use?'

Although it wasn't well known, it was known by people who knew the girl since the early stage of her time in the Mafia that she's a master of disguise, she would never get caught when it came down to it. People would only realise who she was once an ability was used. Her ability, 'Thy is the Demon Queen" which she simplifies down as 'Demon Queen'.

In the end, she wore a crop-hoodie with a hood, she pulled the hood over her head to hide her hair and face. She kept her skirt and gloves and she kept her high heels.

She left Hirotsu, Gin and Tachihara behind in the car, telling them to be on stand by just in case. She made her way to the door before pushing it open, shocking everyone behind the door.
"Who's there?! Show yourself, coward!" The 'boss' spoke. He was easily in his thirties, he looked well dressed- perhaps he was rich. It didn't seem as though he had an ability, there were circulating rumours that he relied on his men's abilities.

"You call me the coward? You're the one hiding from the mafia of all people! Not to mention.. you've been killing our people for no reason at all." (Y/N) let out, in a cold and completely empty of emotion, other than annoyance and anger. Kouyou always said she has a violent temper.

"You're from the mafia. Well then I'll call my men and they'll be here any minute. Tell bastard, what's your name?" "Hah? My name is (Y/N) you damned piece of crap. Besides, I'm leaving. Already have the informat-" Shouting from a phone cut the woman off.

"Are you stupid? Out of all the people in the damn mafia you threaten her!?" "We told you, we agree to protect you and pretend you're our leader, but no way in hell are we getting you out of of this mess!"

By the time the so called boss hung up, the woman was gone. Leaving him with one question- 'Just who is this (Y/N)..?'

After heading back to the base in an uncomfortable silence, the group of four immediately went to Mori to report. (Y/N) knocked on his door three times; a habit of hers really, she was just taught by her sister when she was younger it was polite. "Boss? It's me, (Y/N) and the Black Lizard. We're coming in." The woman pushed the door open and held it open for Tachihara, Hirotsu and Gin to enter.

"Ah, (Y/N)-Kun, perfect timing! Did you get any information?" "Hai, I did. They had on file that the boss himself truly does not have an ability. At first, I thought nothing over it, I was merely suspicious. My suspicions were proven correct when he had a phone call for back up- it's a pretend gang, he has some ability users who does jobs for him here and there. I, however cannot think of any plausible reason or motive for this man do to all this."

"Hm, that is strange. I'll think over it. You're next job is in interrogation room three, Chuuya will inform you about the situation." "Of course, Boss, I'll be leaving now." Bowing down to show respect for the Boss, she then left. 'Man his stare always makes me uncomfortable..'

Walking to the interrogation room, she let her mind wander. Why was she being sent to this? She may be the new head of interrogations but if Chuuya Nakahara himself was on the case, this person must be extremely difficult. She turned her attention to the door now in front of her, she simply just took a detour to get a look in this persons things.

She opened the door with a sigh. "Nakahara. Mind filling me in? Mori sent me to help."
The other executive began filling her in. "Really? A traitor? Funny..real funny." She walked into the separate corner of the room, with a table and two chairs. "You can tap out now, Yuko." Yuko was a low ranking member of the mafia, he was eighteen years old and he was a former student of Chuuya.

The woman took a seat facing the man who is believed to have betrayed the mafia. "Tell me, Daisuke, was it?" The man nodded slowly, slightly skeptic of her tactic. "Great! So, you didn't talk for Yuko here, so how about this, option one, or two?" He took a moment to think. ".....two." "Amazing, okay Daisuke! Here's how this is going to work." The woman pulled out her gun that was tucked inside her jacket pocket. She proceeded to empty out the bullet compartment and instead of putting in seven bullets, she put in three.  "I heard you're a smart man, here's what's happening. You watched me put in three bullets, I'm going to ask you questions and every time you fail to answer a question, I'll shoot."

'Meaning it's pure chance if I get shot..not even her herself knows when a bullet will come out. Although she can guess.' He thought. 'Man what an interesting tactic she has, this girl...' thought Chuuya, who was watching quite closely.

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