Chapter 7

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Old memories part 2
I was waiting in Mori-Sama's office for five minutes, waiting for Dazai to show up. 'Can he like, hurry up? Boss always creeps me out..' that was all I could think, Boss has a skill for creeping everyone out. It nearly seems as though Kouyou-nee sama is the only one who puts up with him.

Finally, after what feels like forever, Dazai comes in. Only he's not alone. "And who exactly is this, Dazai?" I asked, choosing to ignore that the strange boy is being 'imprisoned', by someone I've never seen before. "Hum..I don't remember his name, just know he's a part of the sheep!" 'The sheep, huh? Considering he was brought to boss he's bound to have an ability. Meaning, Dazai really does know who this is and is merely winding me up. Still..a sheep member with an ability? It could only be-'

"It's Nakahara Chuuya, the gravity manipulator isn't it?" I said, not speaking to anyone in particular, only speaking my thoughts. Dazai nodded vigorously and turned his attention to boss. "He pretty much attacked me-no sign of him though. Hirotsu and I checked very carefully. He should be waking up soon." Just as Dazai said that, sure enough the boy in front of me being held in a chair woke up. "What the..where the hell am I?" He screamed. Before he could attack; boss explained that they could help each other with something. To be frank, I zoned out.

"And you'll also be working with (Y/N)-Kun here! I'm sure she'll help tremendously." That brought me back to reality anyways.. 'what the hell am I getting involved in? This better be worth it.' "Of course, Boss..I'll do my very best to help this mission." I say, as I go down to kneel on one knee.
It's been about five minutes since we left bosses office and Dazai, being the smart ass moron he is, decides that I need to introduce myself to this Nakahara, as he's already met him before or something.

"Right..well, pleasure to meet you, Nakahara-san. I'm (L/N) (Y/N), fourteen and uh, my ability is..complicated to explain." I say, not looking in his direction; continuing to walk to wherever we're going.

We ended up at an arcade. I was in the corner, playing one of the machines trying to win a teddy bear, while Nakahara and Dazai try to beat each other in some game I'm not sure I understand. I hear someone say Nakahara's name so I look in their direction; a grey haired boy and a pink haired girl, presumably other sheep members. I can then see Dazai and Nakahara walking to the door. 'Don't leave me behind, god damnit..!'

I run past the two teenagers who were still standing in shock and caught up to the two boys I'm supposed to be working with. "Man, fuck you Dazai! I'm sure you riled them up or something as per usual..I didn't even get my teddy bear..!" "Awh..poor (nickname) you were trying to win a teddy bear? You?" Dazai said, in such a mocking tone he sounded condescending. That's the deal with Dazai, he puts on an act, of sorts. No one knows his true personality: wouldn't be surprised if he didn't know himself either. It's one of the many reasons why Dazai is so fiercely feared.

"You don't need to say it like that! I was going to gift it so.." I shut up before it was too late, if he knew who I planned to gift it to he'd never let me live it down. I move a few inches away from Dazai, making me walk slightly behind him. "So..Nakahara right? I wouldn't worry about those two back there. If they're truly your friends and comrades, they'd understand why you're doing this." I noticed his eyes widened slightly as I said that, he truly is as easy to read as I suspected.

We eventually find ourselves outside a house of someone that apparently survived the explosion eight years ago that's supposed to be connected to 'arahabaki, the god of destruction'. Though no such titles mean a whole lot to me, people are people and gods are gods, simple as.

Surprisingly enough, there was an ambush by some small rival organisation. Chuuya used his ability on some man and shoved his head in the ground but then a bunch of other people jumped out. "Watch out! Those shrimps are Nakahara Chuuya the gravity Manipulator and (L/N) (Y/N) the demon!"

"What did you just call me? I'm only fifteen years old I'm still growing dammit!" Nakahara shouted before he started to use his ability. "You better not be talking about me buddy! I'm not even that short, you fool!" I shouted as well.

'Ability;Demon Queen, 15 percent' considering the amount of people, this was the most safest percent to use, also insuring that I wouldn't be overpowered and lose my very humanity itself. I felt myself physically grow in size and the pattern of vines I'm used to seeing appear.

I then rush forward to the stupid fool trying to shoot me, allowing myself to get shot on purpose. I jumped in the air and used a remnant of the rock Nakahara broke to aim myself behind the enemy's back. Just before I landed back on the ground, I took the bullet from my shoulder and threw my blood down at the five enemies that were now in my direct line of attack. "Exploding blood." I whispered, not wanting them to be alerted and shake my blood off before I could attack. My blood then turned into pink flames and all five of the men were engulfed in flames. They were screaming in pain and discomfort. I kicked the head off the man who shot at me in the first place.

Their screams eventually quietened down as each one of them slowly died. "Man they were so weak it wasn't even enjoyable..right, Demon Queen, banished." I say, almost forgetting to disable my ability, which is highly annoying that I need to say a chant, but it's necessary. I could feel myself shrink back to my original size and whatever pink flames that were left disappeared, leaving the burnt corpses.

"Did you figure anything out, Dazai? As for Nakahara, I'm sure you're confused but I'm sure it'll all be explained shortly. For now, I'm leaving. I got training with Kouyou-neé chan."

A few hours have passed since I left the two and I'm not sure if they're back yet, although if things were carried out the way I think Dazai wanted them to, they're due back soon. 'Dazai is so scary when he truly uses his intelligence and manipulative tendencies to his advantage..'

In the hours they were gone, I had the opportunity to think of what I thought of Nakahara. 'If I'm being honest with myself, he's an..energetic person, seems easy to irritate, I don't think it's actually anger. He seems to be awfully loyal, a quick thinker too, he seems very strong and he knows his strengths well. Though, for every thing today, he was somewhat quiet when I was there. Dazai probably wasn't annoying him as much. Hm..if I have time to kill I might just-'

A loud bang interrupted my thoughts. 'Seems like they're back.' "(Nickname)-Chan! Where are youuuu?" Dazai screamed, loud enough to be heard on all seven continents. "I'm in here Dazai! What exactly is it..?" I say, leaving the training room I was just in.

"Well you see, Chuuya here, got stabbed and he's too stubborn to go to the infirmary! Speaking of, he's our new colleague. Well more like yours, he's set to be trained under Kouyou too. He's probably going to be sent to the Flags unit." He says, making Nakahara sit down in front of me on one of the couches.

"I see, is that is it? Well you are lucky I just finished training, otherwise I'd have to actually get hurt." I say, placing my fingers on my bleeding shoulder and placed it on Nakahara's obvious stab wound, it must've had poison of some sort, giving the way he can't seem to move very well. "Hey! What are you-" Nakahara shouted, damn Dazai didn't tell him about my ability I guess.

"If you're confused, I can use my blood to either burn or heal people, it all really depends on who I trust, it's apart of my ability, 'Demon Queen', I suppose in a sense, I turn into a 'demon'. I can choose a percentage of my power depending how much I need and how dangerous the enemy is. It usually means I grow in size, my teeth turn into fangs, if I use over ten percent, a vine pattern scatters all over my body, if I use over fifty percent, I grow a horn. It's a dangerous ability, so I tend to use anything between five and twenty percent. The more power I use, the less of my humanity I can retain whilst in that form. So for example, if I used one hundred percent, I could very well destroy everything in my path. Another thing I've noticed about my ability is that my natural strengths get enhanced, my physical strength, intelligence and so on." I say, not being able to stop myself from rambling. Another thing I kept from childhood, usually if father asked a question I had to keep giving him an answer until he was satisfied with what I said.

"I-i see." 'This girl..she seems similar to how she's described in the stories about her, yet she's so different..'

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