Chapter 3

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After, being freinds with Nova for a while she's forcefully pulled me out of my shell. She also some how found a new man after 7 days of being single. How does one do that? Girl is magical. Her new boyfriend is named Conner. I'm not allowed to eat in bathrooms anymore.

I'm forced to sit with her boyfriend and Axel which is ok cuz I know Axel but still. My social anxiety is through the roof! Nova is lucky I love her. I've noticed that Axel can tell when I'm nervous he gives me a look and all I can do is nod.

"Hey Katelyn you know how you said you do cheerleading?"

"Mhm." I nod at Axel.

"The cheer team needs more girls to join. I was wondering if you could kindly sign up? Plus you and Nova will get to cheer together."

"I guess but it's only because Nova is doing it with me." I say taking one of his fries because I love fries.

"Lynn! Hey! Give it back!" He laughs.

"Make me!" I challenge. While me and Axel fight over a single french frie Nova and Conner are having a whole makeout session.

"Eww. Get a room!" Both me and Axel say in unison.

Clike yall haven't made out with someone."

"Technically I haven't actually kissed any-"

"You haven't?! How Kate? Why didn't you tell me! Your so pretty! Maybe I should set you up with" Axel he's never had a girlfriend."

"Well umm. I uhhh. No?" Is all I managed to say as she caught me off guard with her sentence. Me and Axel look at eachother wonder how she even came to that idea.
"Come on you guys would be great together!" Nova giggles adjusting in Conners lap. Before we get to answer her the bell rings. I'm so gonna kill her after school. Now where do I go to sign up for cheerleading. Oh there it is I quickly write my name.
I then run to my locker to grab my stuff then run to my class. Having these classes is painful. I only come to school for Nova because if I didn't she would have a mental breakdown.


Nova and Axel are lucky i like them. When I say I like Axel I mean that in a friendly way I swear. Now where do I meet for this tryout thing? Gym.
Nobody told me Nova was cheer captain? "Nova!" I yelled towards her. She runs toward me smiling.
"You came!" She grins.
"Of course I did. I have nothing better to do!" I laugh.
She leads me towards where I have to go to tryout. The really only asked if I could do tucks and if I was capable of doing a pyramid. With me also having to show them. Boring. Finally I'm done they said they'd have announcement tomorrow on who made the team.

"Mhm." She nods. Me and her leave the gym to see Conner talking while standing at the doors. I'm assuming they had football practice today. "Hey Conner!" Nova says.
"Hey Axel" I say letting Nova and Conner have their moment. Me and Axel slowly walk away not wanting to see them makeout in front of us again.once we get close to the school door we run out.
"We did it!" I laugh put my hand up to give Axel a high-five. "I'm bored." I say.
"Wanna get ice cream?"
"Of course!" Today I didn't walk or drive Nova picked me up so Axel has to drive. As I get into his car I wonder when Conner and Nova are gonna notice we left.


As we walk into the shop both me and Axel get a text message.

Where did you guys go?

Ice cream shop

Send me the location plsssss

You guys won't makeout in front of us?

One I send her our location I put my phone in my pocket. "Did Conner ask where you went?" I ask. He nods at me and we walk up to the counter. The lady looks at me with disgust and then at Axel with a smile while batting her lashes.
"What do you want?" She asks me.
Cookie dough on a cone please." I smile. This is not a good time to drag someone. Especially with people like Axel. "Axel?" I ask
"Umm I'll get what she got cookie dough." He grins. Just like that Nova and Conner suddenly appear.
"Kate! I was worried! I'm sorry we scared you away because we were making out. Both me and Conner apologize." Nova blurts wrapping her arms around me. Nova is a hugger I'm not one to like physical touch but ill tolerate it.

"It's fine." I say unwrapping her arms from me.
"7.87 please." The girl asks. I go to pull out some money but Axel beats me to it and pays. Sh hands us the napkin on his has numbers on it. I assume it's her number. He hands me one of the ice creams. I hand it back as it was the one with her number on it.
"I think this is meant for you." I say pointing to her number on the napkin.
He pulls it off, "Take this up to her and ask for a different one." He then hands me back the ice cream and I eat it.
I then walk up to her, "He wants a different napkin." I say pointing to Axel. She rolls her eyes and grabs a different napkin.
"Here." She basically throws a napkin at me rude.
I walk back towards him handing to him. He silently thanks me. We sit down with the entire group. I silently finish my Ice cream while Nova say this is me and Axel's first date. I disagree but whatever. We just shrug it off.

Like he's cute in all but I don't think he sees me like that. But I'd never say that out loud. As we realized we've been here for 1-2 the girl at the counter tells us we need to leave. "Hey Kate is it ok if you go home with Axel?"

"Yeah I don't mind unless he doesn't feel ok with it?"

"I'm ok with it" He opens the exit door and waits for us to walk out.


Okay so this one was longer which I'm proud of myself for. So my goal for these chapters are atleast 1000-2000 words. Anyways yall awesome and great people!

1086 words

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