Episode 11 Part 1

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After seeing that taegwang was so happy being near by her mother, she decides to leave, she doesnt want to bother his happiness. She then drinks the milk that she brought, and walk towards the hospital's door. When she about to step outside, someone pulled her to the inside of hospital.

"Didn't you understand what i tell you yesterday? Please dont visit taegwang anymore" its taegwang's mother, she realizes that her son is in love with eun bi, and she understands really well what taegwang looks like, (so now he is trying to safe her son after leaving him for a long time?!!! What the..) he will sacrifice himself for what he loves. It makes her feel afraid about her son safety. (Okay. Familiar scene. Parents distrust.)

In the school, when teacher Jung is about to go home, she waits for her mom cars and when the car appears, someone inside it opens the window.......its Soo In's mother that means...she is Soo In's sister (EUN BI IS IN DANGER)

Eun Bi then leaves, taegwang mother's voice still playing in her head. Making her feels worst. As she arrives at her house. Her phone rang, its a message from taegwang.

T: Why didnt you come today? Ha?!
E: I'm too tired.
T: so why did you tired? You should visit me everyday, i become like this because of you. Remember that so you need to do me a favor! Dont forget for tomorrow!
E: nde.

Eun bi lays on her bed, then turn off her bed lamps. Starting to sleep.

Meanwhile, Yian lays on his bed and thinking about Eun Byul and take a long stare at his medal. Leaving some tears on his face. (SOO WHY IS EUN BYUL HAVENT SHOWED UP YET!! i'm waiting for the perfect time guys, be patient).

director gong held a meeting to discuss about soo in's death, teacher kim then start to talk about Eun Byul, and asks what is the reason of moving Eun Byul to another school, Director Gong anwers the question by showing Eun Byul's victim in the school from the karaoke evidence, leaving trip in toengyeong without permission, and others. He tries to make Eun Byul looks bad. Teacher jung enters the meeting to send the student book that director wanted. When she gets out of the room, she smiles crafty then calls her mom, then tells her for waiting a bit more.

Taegwang stills lays on his bed. He is bored and talking by himself (poor Taegwang) when suddenly he realizes a bunch of snacks on the table besides him. He reads the notes that is put in it.

Get Well Soon Taegwang. Today i have something to do, so lets meet tomorrow okay?

-Go Eun Byul

"Aish that girls!" He starts to talk again. How could something be more important than him, he thoughts.

Eun bi get a little fever in school, but yian seems doesnt care to Eun Bi anymore. While she looked so pale and sleep in her table, shi jin notices her, then take her to the nursery room. While yian still wearing his headphone trying not to care.

When Eun Bi sleeps on nursery's bed, Yian looks at her then go out of the room without any sound (so Eun Bi doesnt know).

In taegwang's room. Director Gong appears from nowhere. (He looks like just Taegwang a bit in personality). He asks whether Taegwang has felt better but of course without seeing him, Taegwang look into the other side. But director Gong looks into something else. Bunch of snack and Eun Byul's name on it.

He then asks Taegwang if he has a relationship with her, but Taegwang answers that he has no relation with it so director Gong leaves the room.

When Shi Jin and Song Joo pasts the announcement board, they see Eun Byul's announcement. As they seeing that, Yian appears then tears off the announcement. (yian is in action!)

When the school ended, shi jin and song joo tell Eun Bi that they're going to see Taegwang. Eun Bi tells them that maybe Taegwang will be better after seeing Shi Jin (Haha), Shi Jin then proudly smile.

In the hospital, Taegwang got spooked for seeing Shi Jin and Song Joo visit him, they sit besides Taegwang and ask why is he could get into an accidents, but because Taegwang get confused of what to say, he starts pretending as his headache is relapsing. So they shut up. Shi Jin remembered of Eun Byul's announcement and tells him. (with Eun Byul got sick's information too)

Taegwang then remembered about what his father said just earlier. And immediately thinks that something bad has happenned.

In the other side. Eun Bi visits Yian's house then apologizes one more time. But then yian rejects it and asks Eun Bi for going home. (Angry Yian seems to be so.........mean)(even if he does care).

When Eun Bi arrives at her house, she gets a little shock for seeing Taegwang sits in front of her house's fence. Immediately she asks Taegwang what was he doing there. But taegwang ruffles her hair and tells her that she must visit him and tell him if something bad happened everyday. And he asks whether if Eun Bi has recovered from her fever.

"I'm fine but you're not! You have to go back to hospital Taegwang!!"

But Taegwang hugs Eun Bi and says:
"I would have recovered if you come earlier". (Awwwww)

Eun bi get embarrassed and tells him to go back to hospital. with irritated, Taegwang called his chauffeur and go after it came.

As usual, Yian go to pool when he angry, sitting there and staring at the pool when suddenly his phone rang. but his expression soon changed after he accepts the call~

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