Target Aquired

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"Dang it!" Ava let out a frustrated sigh. She craved a hot plate of Alfredo, but was it really too much to ask? In the midst of preparing it, she realized the pasta and cheese were missing. With a resigned sigh, she turned off the stove, grabbed her jacket, and headed out. Luckily, the convenience store was just a 5-minute drive down the street. Starting the car, she backed down the driveway. The deserted area of town made her skip the habit of looking both ways before pulling out. RiffCity 107.3 played in the background, but she paid little attention, focused on getting home quickly.

Ava had the store memorized, so finding the needed items took mere seconds. Adding an energy drink and a sleeve of sugar wafers, she headed to the front. Checking out went smoothly, and she was back in her car in record time. If she had been more attentive, she might have noticed a vehicle idling outside during her errand. However, she paid no attention to it.

His cigarette glowed red as he took another long drag, watching the woman intently. Watching was what he did best, and he had been collecting information on her for weeks. She was small, not petite, but definitely a lightweight. Keeping to herself made his task challenging. His breakthrough came when he found her workplace, allowing him to formulate her patterns. With this knowledge, he patiently waited for the chance to make his move. The bell signaling someone leaving interrupted his thoughts. Remaining fixated on the black Mini Cooper, he rolled up the window and shifted into gear. This was where things became exciting.

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