Finishing Business

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Feeling rather miffed about his failed attempt, Jax turned up the music and drove towards home. There was always next time, after all. Within a couple of miles, he sensed something was off. With his line of interest, one must become hypersensitive to such things. Glancing in his mirrors, he could make out a pair of headlights moving quickly towards him. They didn't look like police, but there was still something eerily familiar about them. He shook his head and shrugged, thinking it was probably just his mind playing tricks on him. Jax continued to head home, returning his focus to the current song, singing softly to the tune.

However, the car drew closer and closer until it was nearly bumper to bumper with him. Cursing under his breath, he pulled over to let the driver pass. Instead of speeding by like he was expecting, it pulled up beside him. The door opened, and he saw a figure approaching.

Glad that her tactic worked, Ava exited the vehicle, weapons in hand, and walked to his car. Wrapping on the window, she motioned for him to roll it down. "Get out of the vehicle. No questions. If you know what's good for you," her voice was quiet but very stern. "Hey, I—I don't want any trouble—just going home—" "I said do it now!" She interrupted him and jerked the door open. When he didn't comply, she simply reached in and yanked him out. Truth be told, Ava was only able to do it because he was caught off guard. She knew most of her plan was based on the element of surprise.

Before he had time to gather his bearings, she kicked him in the side, causing him to roll over. She pressed her boot into the small of his back, shoving Jax even further into the mud. This time she spoke louder, "I don't care what your excuse is. I've heard them all. Instead, I want you to listen to me and listen good."

Jax, still trying to comprehend what was going on, finally found himself and kicked. It hit something solid, and his attacker grunted. Taking the moment, he scrambled to his feet. He backed away, staring at the stranger. They were small, and he could see blonde hair, but not much else as it was dark and they had a mask on. "W-what do you want? I—I'm just going home, f-from work. I, um, I think you have the wrong man!" Backing into her car, he swallowed, realizing just how much of a pickle he was in.

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